


It has been known from the kvas earliest times that besides absorbing quasic thirst, it has a positive effect on the digestive tract, increases the tone of the organism and strengthens it. In the most productive years, the quasic kvas group was protected from avitaminosis and infection because it contains many vitamins (vitamin B1, most vitamin E, vitamin C, etc.) and microelements. As a result of organisms, it regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, prevents the growth of microbes and bacteria from many diseases, and positively affects the vascular system. These effects of Kvas avadanligi are explained by kvas the presence of milk acids, vitamins (above, etc.), calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, microelements and, most importantly, amine acids (including indispensable amino acids). Aminturys play a key role in removing and destroying organs, pathological, dead cells from the body.

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