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Now you are logged in. Please click here to continue. A great day begins with a good night's sleep. A blissful night of sleep is the perfect prelude to an active and enjoyable day the following morning. While there are several means to achieve the perfect 8-hour beauty sleep that includes potions, pills and pranayama among others, we recommend you to simply sleep on a Sobha Restoplus premium spring mattress to get similar benefits. Mattresses & Bed Bases Club Class Grande Mattress Club Class Natura Mattress Club Class Petals Mattress Dry Cool Alice Mattress A Glimpse of Relationships is added to your shopping cart. is added to your wish list. Continue ShoppingGo To CartGo To Wishlist I was not specific & choosy about mattresses till the time I came across Spring Air. Now I make sure I buy the same everytime., After whole day of rush, All you need is a good night sleep and nothing can be as good as a soft bed from Spring Air Mattress

One Of the Best medicine to any pain is a good sound sleep and for that I trust Spring AirFor the parenting tradition, see Bedtimes. The International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) is a trade association based in Alexandria, Va. Its members are mattress manufacturers and mattress industry components suppliers. Founded as the National Association of Mattress Manufacturers in 1915, the organization renamed itself two years later as the National Association of Bedding Manufacturers.[3] Its goal was to create state tagging laws (see law label) and address the health sanitation issues affecting consumers. The association's name was changed to the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) in 1987 to reflect acceptance of international members. ISPA's stated mission has been to support the mattress industry through public policy, public affairs and education initiatives. It works on behalf of the bedding industry on a range of commercial, health, safety and environmental issues, including legislative lobbying at the state and federal level.

[5] It also seeks to present a positive image of the sleep products industry to the general public. ISPA currently represents nearly 700 mattress manufacturers and bedding component, machinery and service suppliers in over 50 countries around the world. ISPA members range from multinational mattress and sleep products manufacturing companies to small, family-owned operations. The association provides a range of legislative, informational, and educational services to the mattress industry. Many services are exclusive to ISPA members, others benefit the industry in general as well as the public. The association's products and services to members and non-members include: ISPA provides regular and member communications through its website, through its publications BedTimes and Sleep Savvy and their websites, and through a range of social media including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and its Blog - Bedpost. magazine, published monthly, covers mattress industry news for manufacturers and components suppliers.

[8] The BedTimes Supplies Guide is a listing of products and services used in mattress and other sleep products manufacturing. Sleep Savvy magazine is targeted to mattress retailers. Editorial content centers on tools and information to assist in boosting mattress sales. ISPA Insider, a weekly industry e-newsletter for members, covers association news, legislative and regulatory issues, meetings and trade show information, and breaking news impacting the mattress industry. Founded by ISPA in 1979, the BSC's stated goal has been to increase mattress sales and shorten the mattress replacement cycle by educating consumers about the importance of sleep to health and quality of life, and that the sleep surface and sleep environment are important contributors to quality of sleep. The BSC funds regular research studies of consumers to explore attitudes toward mattresses and the shopping experience. Findings assist the BSC in developing its messaging. ISPA membership dues support BSC research and other programs.

BSC public relations campaigns aim to keep mattresses top of mind as consumers decide how to spend disposable income. The campaigns target a broad segment of U.S. consumers via print, broadcast and online media. The BSC's latest example of this is the "Stop Sleeping Around" campaign. Through short videos and other visuals that show consumers sleeping everywhere but their own bed, the campaign reinforces the message that they may need to replace their mattress if they are nodding off during the day because and not getting 7–8 hours of quality rest on a comfortable, supportive mattress. The campaign advances the BSC’s mission by making the importance of sleep and mattress replacement top of mind in a fun, edgy way. The annual focal point of the association's public relations campaign is Better Sleep Month (BSM) each May. Media hits for the campaign reach into the millions each year.[10] During BSM, the BSC has used a national spokesperson for a satellite and radio media tour, as well as 30: and 60: “In the Know” news vignettes, which are put on the BSC website.

The BSC has conducted several studies on consumer shopping behavior and the typical mattress replacement cycle. The council takes credit for helping reduce the average mattress replacement cycle from 13-plus years to about 10 years. The BSC sponsored a groundbreaking study conducted by the Oklahoma State University to scientifically evaluate whether a new mattress improves sleep quality and efficiency, while reducing back, spine, shoulder and neck stiffness, thus leading to a more restful night’s sleep. The results were positive.[11] This study is a resource for the BSC’s consumer messaging. ^ "A Conversation With ISPA Chair Kathy Roedel." "ISPA aims to step up pace as advocate of Industry." ^ "ISPA Announces Product Safety Course." ^ "Mattress Sales Jump in February." ^ BedTimes magazine: About. ^ "BSC builds on a quarter century of PR to move industry forward." "New mattress can keep zombies at bay, says Better Sleep Council." "Study shows wealth of health benefits New mattress reduces pain & stiffness;

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