

Evgenii 'Jcrush

/kick and /ban — reply to any message with these commands to quickly kick or ban any user. In regular groups (non-supergroups), these commands will only work if the "All Members Are Admins" setting is off in the target group. Otherwise members may only be removed by the group's creator or by the member that added them. To issue a temporary ban, use: /ban 30d (30 days), /ban 10h (10 hours), /ban 2m (2 minutes).

/mute — reply to any message with /mute to mute any user for 12 hours (by default). Combot must be an administrator in the supergroup for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. For precise time measurements use: /mute 30d (30 days), /mute 10h (10 hours), /mute 2m (2 minutes). /unmute unmutes user.

/unban — reply to any message with /unban to unban a user.

/warn and /unwarn — reply to any message to warn user. When number of warnings reaches 3, user is banned. /unwarn clears warning history. If user does not receive any warning for 30 days, their warning history is cleared automatically.

All commands can start with "!".

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