

Lilik Inawati

Review Book

Title : Kiwi

The author : Soniamillet

Pages : 3

Level : 17

Topic : Nature and Environment

Source :

This book categories factual by Soniamillet, entitled "Kiwi" tell us about the national bird of New Zealand. It's 400 words. I am interested in reading this book because the title Kiwi is apparently not the name of fruit that I know but there is also an animal's name. I want to know more about Kiwi bird. The intended audience it can be child until adult or all ages, because it is the common knowledge. The author tell us that you can see more simple picture of kiwi stamps, New Zealand products and on the dollar coin. The language is easy to understand, not wordy and clear.

Book with picture of kiwi on the grass write what are kiwi like? Very few people have seen a kiwi its natural surroundings, and there are three main reason for this. The first is that kiwi are night birds. They sleep during the day and only come out at night to look for food. Secondly, they live in the forests far away from people. The third reason is that there are not many kiwi left. As the population of New Zealand increased, the forests were cut down to make way for farms. Kiwi almost disappeared because there was nowhere for them to live.

The author also mentions that kiwi are strange birds because they can not fly. I agree with the author statement that kiwi include a strange bird, because they are bird groups usually have wings and can fly. The explanation from this book is because before people came to New Zealand there were no animals to hunt them, so for thousands of years kiwi had no enemies and they did not need to fly.

For the specific form of kiwi, it writes that kiwi has soft brown feathers and are about the size of a chicken. They have very small wings and long beaks, which they use to search for food. They have a very good sense of smell and they use their beaks to smell out their food which is mainly insects and worms as well as berries and seeds (paragraph 4). I think that they have very small wings, it can be one reason about why they can not fly. The other amazing thing that writes is about the age hatch of kiwi eggs for 80 days, the baby kiwi comes out of the egg. It is very long time compare time of the other hatch bird egg.

At the end of writes, the author tells the reader that in recent years the people and the government of New Zealand have started to understand more about the problem and they have developed programs to save the kiwi. Though this book the reader become know about the kiwi bird. Also, it helps us to add our knowledge about kind of bird in the world and make us care about our environment.

Reviewed by Lilik Inawati

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