


Do you want to know how i really feel? 

I feel with him you are yourself and real.

My feelings sealed, seemed I can deal.

I can’t, my heart has nothing left to peel.

Of course, I want with you another meal.

Another talk. Another big reveal. 

Or, maybe, be around when you are ill. 

You gave me stone, like Zeus, to wheel.

Like Sisyphus, I cannot reach the hill.

You want me there, but you cannot kill.

I cannot sleep, I need a sleeping pill...

Morning light, I’m looking at the beam.

I’ve started writing about you and him... 

Something nice, or something that would seem.

Listen, there is nothing I would want to trim.

I think, truly, that you make a perfect team.

And both of you make beautiful - routine. 

I can’t, i feel like work-in-progress gelatin. 

I can’t be there, where there is you and him. 

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