Key takeaways from India

Key takeaways from India


Here are key thoughts that I find important:

1. At first, I tried to resist India, and this caused unnecessary stress. Everywhere was chaos, disorder and general inefficiency. This struck to me as very jarring, but over the course of days, as I began to get used to it, it seemed okay. From amidst the chaos, a harmony began to emerge. Of course things weren't perfect - but were they meant to be? It was beautiful as I first began to realize this - it was only my point of view that caused me stress - just changing yourself, your own point of view changes the world sometimes.

2. Amma and appa were of the opinion that I have gotten exceedingly 'nacchu' - a combination of nitpicky and annoying. Maybe my long stay in Germany has something to do with it as well. Maybe I am used to being alone, having things my way for far too long. Maybe they are right - that is something that can easily be changed though.

3. Also, I realised that when in India, I get exceedingly lazy. I was literally just lolling around, eating, sleeping and doing absolutely nothing. Even simple things like booking movie tickets (which Souju did), booking an Uber/Ola cab (which amma did) and going to the shop to get some chocolates (which appa did), I didn't do. On one hand, I was on vacation and the laziness was a part of it, on the other I was lazy because I could - there were people who did it for me. The question is - would I be as lazy in all things if I were living at home?

4. Loko binna ruchihi - there are so many people that are doing so many things that it is difficult to say if one thing or the other is right. I always hold the opinion that diversity breeds resilience.

5. I also saw how frail and weak all the older people had become, it is as though they grow weaker and weaker as the younger ones grow taller and stronger. The young members of the family are growing up well and strong, while the older ones have become both physically and emotionally weak. It is the effect of time - it is amazing how time has the effect of equalizing everything - the proud become humble, the poor become rich, and the strong weak and vice versa. It helps to remember this - for the future ;)

6. Although I am always critical, and seeking improvement with all aspects, I also realise how good we have it in Bengaluru now. Our place is located in a nice dead end road with trees and green all around, far better than most places in the city. We do not have major security or other issues. At this very moment, we have good financial security and good health, we have a washing machine, fridge and many mobile phones in the house. Good food and good healthcare is available easily. Having a big family means that in terms of social interactions - we are more than well covered. That, with the comforts provided by growing technology makes for a good life. We should be grateful and thankful for this - which I often forget.

7. A key take away for me this time was that people are motivated by emotion and economics and not at all by reason. Something might be the rational and the right thing to do, but if emotion or economics does not dictate it - it will for sure not happen. So, in order to make anything happen, it is important to convince people and emotion is key part of this. So, focusing more on the people rather than on facts and numbers goes a long way towards making any change.

8. From my time in India and Germany, during the course of my 30 years, I have realized that people are the same everywhere and that there is hope, beauty, and knowledge everywhere. A beggar sitting on the steps of the temple in Melukote can by exercising his brain gain access to the same truths and wisdom about life and the world, as someone sitting in an ICE fast train on the way to Frankfurt. In terms of access to information, books and media, one may find it easier than the other - but the possibility remains the same everywhere. Once anyone realises this, it opens up a whole new world of opportunities. The driver of my Ola could be a wise man, the coconut seller could have figured out some worldly truths by himself, the bakery lady in the airport shop could be a great philosopher - the potential and the possibility is there - which means that everyone irrespective of who they are have to be treated with compassion and respect.

Lotus flowers of knowledge blooms in the most unexpected of places.

The end.


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