
Title [JAP] : K

Title [ENG] : K

More Info:

Started On: 5/10/2012

Type : TV

Episodes : 13


Score : 71


Yashiro Isana has lived a relatively ordinary, simple life. He lives in the technologically advanced Shizume City and attends Ashinaka High School, a notable high school that is located on an island just outside the areas. Yashiro is friendly with everyone. Nothing seems wrong about him, except perhaps his habit of forgetting where his school-issued PDA is.

However, nothing normal has been happening since the recent murder of Tatara Totsuka, prominent member of the infamous HOMRA. No one knows who exactly killed him but the man responsible bears an uncanny, identical appearance to Yashiro. Seeking vengeance, the Red Clansmen of HOMRA set out to get Yashiro and kill him. Everyone suspects that Yashiro is the murderer.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Main Characters:

Reisi Munakata

🇯🇵 宗像 礼司

Character ID : 64593

About Character and Role:

Age: 24 Height: 185 cm Birthday: October 1 Horoscope: Libra Blood type: AB (RH-) The head of SCEPTER4 and the Blue King. Reishi is a sophisticated, observant and composed individual who is cautious in the battlefield. Though he is willing to use physical action in a fight, Reishi does attempt to win with victory through negotiation instead. He is a natural leader and generally puts the concern of innocent lives over his own. Though he possesses a general loathing towards Mikoto Suoh, Reishi still accepts him as a human being. He takes immediate notice when his vice-commander Awashima's displays apparent disregard for his civil rights. However, he remained indifferent to how the idea could effect the Red King, even stating that it was a good one. Reishi has a fondness for solving jigsaw puzzles during his spare time. As a member of SCEPTER4, Reishi has power over lightning, imbibing himself in a blue color. When exerted, the aura has the defensive potential to protect Reishi and his subordinates against a direct attack from the flames of Mikoto Suoh, known as the king of HOMRA and an incredibly powerful combatant. (Source: Project K Wikia)

Yashiro Isana

🇯🇵 伊佐那 社

Character ID : 64591

About Character and Role:

Height: 169 cm
Horoscope: Gemini
Blood Type: B
A joker who goes around asking for his schoolmates to share their lunch with him. Yashiro is soft-spoken but very charismatic. He is very friendly and well-liked. In addition, he is quite respectful towards anyone he meets, even robots. He is also somewhat laid-back and happy-go-lucky. Yashiro carries also a red, Japanese-style parasol with him at all times.
His real name is Adolf K. Weissman and he's the Silver King. The Colorless King was once in control of "Yashiro's" body, but once he took control of Weissman's original body, their spirits switch. He had amnesia from episode one and regains them in the 11th episode, finally bringing light to the confusing situation.
(Source: ANN, K Project Wikia)

Kuroh Yatogami

🇯🇵 夜刀神 狗朗

Character ID : 64599

About Character and Role:

Age: 18 Height: 178 cm Birthday: January 5 Zodiac: Capricorn Blood Type: A A young man with an unyielding personality. He is also a skilled swordsman, martial artist, and housekeeper. Kuroh is a quiet, serious and composed individual that appears tough and completely no-nonsense on the surface. He is very determined to accomplish his goals, whatever they may be, but despite so Kuroh is willing to set them aside for the finer things in life, such as genuine companionship. Kuroh says that he follows a policy where, rather than judging a man by his appearance or words, their actions are what matters more. In his younger years, Kuroh was trained by the 7th King, Miwa Ichigen. However, after unknown circumstances, Ichigen had passed away, leaving behind a will in Kuroh to defeat the "evil" King. (Source: ANN, K Project Wikia)


🇯🇵 ネコ

Character ID : 64595

About Character and Role:

Age: 15
Height: 155 cm
B/W/H: 89/57/88
Birthday: February 22
Horoscope: Pisces
Blood Type: B
Neko has a very joyful, carefree, and energetic personality. She is very playful, often participating or even starting chases with people. In addition, Neko seems to have no qualms or worries about being nude, especially in front of men, showing some immodesty. She even stated that she does not like wearing clothes, the reason being that "Clothes are too restricting". She is also a mysterious girl, who is also a cat. Neko also likes Shiro and even calls him "My Shiro".
Neko is a female Strain. By projecting her powers within a perimeter with herself at the center, she can interfere and manipulate the human senses and perceptions of those around her. However, her powers aren't limited to visual and auditory hallucinations. Her power to manipulate perception can even play with a person's memory. She can create false memories in people, and make people who've met for the first time believe they're old friends.
(Source: ANN, K Project Wikia)

Mikoto Suoh

🇯🇵 周防 尊

Character ID : 64597

About Character and Role:

Age: 24
Height: 185 cm
Birthday: August 13
Horoscope: Leo
Blood Type: B
Third King, known as the Red King. Has an ability to control fire. Feared by people as the leader of the Red Clan, HOMRA. Mikoto is a quiet man who says very little, even to his own subordinates. He is very calm, rarely being irritated or annoyed, and even when his mood changes Mikoto still maintains his composure. Mikoto is an avid smoker, often holding a cigarette and a lighter in each hand.
(Source: Anime News Network and K Project Wiki)


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