

Clocked in 9:10am


Unmotivated but trying to push my way through. Worked on esg, working through the industry section now. I worked on a few of my remaining pages for this week; had some of them on hold to get through the client presentation deck. (The rush for that on the day itself was like death and disaster... ☠️)

The deadline for all of this week's pages are due tomorrow but we're only about 40% there... it's ok, just do what I can. At this point they just need someone to get it done for them. There's not much learning from these pages; just follow structure, rush through and get it over with.

I don't have headspace anymore; the timeline is too tight and I'm doing most of the pages. Trying to go through each page and get it completed as fast as I can. Each page is packed with info from the current website and not all of them will match the component constraints. Any questions I will put in the sheet itself and Laury will take it up when free.

In today's standup I mentioned we need at least one person to go through each page to determine what content is missing, what clients need highlighted, what info is outdated, what they want added. We (kind of) have that now in our briefing pack but it's very(!) surface level.

Or perhaps clients are unsure what to insert, which means they don't get the how briefing pack works - not blaming clients. That's our fault already.

That's how it worked out for midf, our pm wrangled all the info out of the clients, asking them for all details to be included in the next section while we worked on the current section. If we had questions pm would collect them, then raise them in emails and calls. Not sure if we can do the same in this project.

Today we also were trying to hash out what the users are. A bit late in the game to do this, but some re-clarifiying was needed.

Aside from churning out page copy, we're rushing to collate some info on what client wants to go through tomorrow for feedback on the previous section. They had some feedback but not all of it is clear so definitely need clarity tomorrow.


Grateful for the song of the week; Bodies by Drowning Pool on replay.

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