


❓1. What springs to mind when you hear the word “job”?

❓2. What are the differences between “job”, “career”, “profession” and “occupation”?

❓3. What do you do? What is your job? Are you satisfied with it? 

❓4. What is your dream job? 

❓5. What are the ten top jobs in the world? Why do you think they are hot jobs?


🌀Employ: to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it:

How many people does your company employ?

🌀Employee: someone who is paid to work for someone else:

The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.

🌀Employer: a person or organization that employs people:

We need a reference from your former employer.

🌀Employment: when someone is paid to work for a company or organization:

Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year.

🌀Income: money that is earned from doing work or received from investments: 

Average incomes have risen by 4.5% over the past year. 

🌀Salary: a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month: 

She's on quite a decent salary in her present job. 

🌀Wage: a fixed amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education: 

Although he works hard as a construction worker, he earns a very low wage.




Decent, good, great, worthwhile, interesting, high-powered, top, dream, ideal, boring, dead-end, lousy, menial, routine, undemanding, rewarding, challenging, demanding, difficult, taxing, dangerous, highly paid, high-paying, well-paid, well-paying, badly paid, low-paid, low-paying, new, current, first, previous, full-time, part-time, 9-to-5, regular, steady, permanent, temporary, holiday, summer, evening, Saturday, weekend, paid, unpaid, manual, semi-skilled, skilled, unskilled, blue-collar, white-collar, desk, factory, office, coaching, construction, manufacturing, teaching, proper, real


Three years ago she moved into her current job.

He was tempted to give up freelancing and get a regular job.

He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job.

It's one of the top jobs in management.

What would be your dream job?

He was forced to take a series of menial jobs.


—- + Job

Have, carry out, do, perform, work, look for, want, apply for, go for, be offered, accept, take, find, get, land, win, lose, give up, leave, quit, resign from, hold down, keep, start, like, love, advertise, interview for, give, offer, create, generate, provide, cut, eliminate, export, outsource, protect, know

Job + —-

Pay, disappear, go, entail, require


The job doesn't pay very well.

250 jobs are to go at the local steel plant.

The jobs requires honesty, intelligence, and vision.

She got a temporary job stacking shelves.

He's just landed himself a highly paid job in banking.

He's frightened of losing his job.

He's always had difficulty holding down a job.

She's starting a new job on Monday.

I saw the job advertised on the Internet.

We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department.

It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.

The company is hoping to shed 200 jobs.

Companies export jobs because it is cheaper to pay foreign workers.

The deal between the union and management should safeguard 6,000 jobs.

He certainly knows his job.

She has a very good job with a local law firm.

I'm only doing my job.

They are paid according to how well they perform their job.


Search, ad, advertisement, listings, application, applicant, interview, offer, title, market, cuts, losses, growth, creation, openings, opportunities, prospects, satisfaction, security, hunter, seeker


It's important to devise a job search strategy when looking for work.

Check our website for the latest job listings.

Within weeks of graduation, she had several job offers.

His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.

There is an enormous job market for teachers at the moment.

We have seen job growth in a number of areas.

How would you rate your job satisfaction?

Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.

Local companies are holding an open day for job seekers.


In a job, in the job, on the job, out of a job, job as, job at, job for, job in, job with


There's not much chance of promotion in a job like that.

You will receive training on the job.

She found herself out of a job when her boss died.

She has a job as a waitress.

She got a teaching job at the university.

He moved to a better-paid job with another employer.


Change jobs, move jobs, a loss of jobs, the right person for the job


Nowadays many people change jobs every few years.

The closure of the cement factory will mean the loss of over 800 jobs.

Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job.

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