Janine Antoni

Janine Antoni

Dicecream Magazine

📷🎬🗿Janine Antoni (born January 19, 1964, in Freeport, Bahamas) is a contemporary artist, who creates work in performance art, sculpture, and photography.

Inhabit, 2010

She often uses her body, as an entity or paying particular attention to body parts as tools, utilizing her mouth, hair, eyelashes, and, through technological scanning, the brain, to perform everyday activities to create her artwork.

Performans Still, 2012

"This letter sums up my relationship to my audience...

Interlace, 1998

...I have a deep love for the viewer; they are my imaginary friend."

If I Die Before I Wake (mother's hand meets daughter's hand in prayer), 2004

More: Instagram

Mortar and Pestle, 1999
Lick and Lather, 1993-94
Loving Care, 1992
Conduit, 2009, copper sculpture with urine verdigris patina
Conduit, 2009, copper sculpture with urine verdigris patina

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