

From Ucing

Mari pake content warning dl alias ini bkl ALAY BGT FLIS pokonyh siapkan mental sm kresek bwat muntah, tp ucink mnulis ini dgn spnuh ht ucink hh


Hy jamie,, udah lama dari terakhir kali ucing kasih gift gitu ya, pas mensive juga udah ga pernah πŸ˜” anggap sj ini sekalian hadiah mensive yang kemaren kemaren ok?

Omg ga kerasa banget kita udah 9 bulan? Remember the first time we met, ucing masi inget nama channelnya @ Blpromote kan? Ucing masih sering banget kepikiran sebelum tidurrrr, kalo misalnya ucing waktu itu ngga comment atau jamie ngga ngecheck ulang comsec di ch promote nya mungkin kita ngga kenal sama sekali? Ya pasti tdk kenal lh yh 🀨

Last night I dreamed about you, We go on a date! LUCU BGT tp masa di akhirnya jamie ilank? Ucing ga inget lagi mimpinya gimana, tapi rada cringe sih x__x

Ini tumben banget mimpinya real gitu, kaya bener bener ketemu, biasanya kaya cuma mimpi lagi chatan doang :\

Ucing tau jamie lagi sibuk bangett, tapi jangan sampe skip makan, minum nya harus yang banyak, sama mandi πŸ™„. Kursng kurangin begadangnya, sama kalo bisa jangan lupa kabarin ucink 🀭 i know it's difficult to be the best version of yourself all the time, tapi jamie harus inget, No matter where you are on the pathway of ur life, please don't let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future. You're so much moreeeee powerful than you may currently understand πŸ’ͺπŸ˜–. If your sense of your life is a mess rn, this is simply because your fears are just a little stronger than your faith >:D HEHE

Kalo jamie lagi butuh tempat cerita, cerita ke ucing aja ok? Mungkin ucing tdk bisa kasih jalan keluar dari masalah jamie, but i promise i will be a good listener for u 😼 ucing berharap jamie lebih terbuka sama ucing, tentang apapun. Tapi ucing ga maksa lho yaa. Kalo jamie ngerasa kurang suka atau risih sama yang ucing ketik, marahin aja 😑

I hope I'm enough for you, sometimes i feel like I'm not😿. And that scares me bcs i think you'll find someone who better than me, someone who can give you everything i can't :< You are the first thing on my mind when i wake up and the last thing on mymind when i go to sleep, even if we fell out you will always have a special place in my heart even if i don't have a special pplace in yours. Sometimes you make me angry, jealous and even lonely but you also can make me feel like i'm the luckiest person in the world 😹

I have a billion reasons to love you. I swear that i love you more as you read this letter than i did when i wrote it.

I wish I could turn back the clock, I'd find you sooner and love you longer. U are my fav places to go to when my mind searches for peaces, u are the most precious thing in the world to me πŸŒπŸ€› thank you for being you XD

I love you to the moon and back, Jamie!

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