Jayden Collins
Dearest Jocelyn,

Loving you is like devouring; it is an act of savoring every delicate bite and each drop of you. Do you know how much I like your name, Jocelyn? It always tastes sweet and tender in my mouth every time I fill my lungs with your name, only to whisper it out and taste and roll you on my tongue over and over again. The kind of name that spreads inside my body is the kind of blessing I will never feel on somebody else's. But loving you is not all appetite; it is embracing gentleness in every understanding. So loving you is like trying to understand myself. Discovering mind and soul and taking care of the most vulnerable moments. For that, you built me a home—one that never expects any guests, one that is only for you and me to settle in; to make me feel safe, to let me be unguarded, and to stop myself from maintaining an appearance of being tough when my world is breaking down. I, too, learn a lot about loving myself from you. That loving me is keeping my heart from getting too silver. So it won't get darkened and tarnished, so it will be just as bright as how you see it. Thus sweetheart, this heart shall you take it all, for I know you won't let it lose its color and its shine.ㅤㅤ

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