iv vitamin c to treat cancer

iv vitamin c to treat cancer

iv vitamin c pubmed

Iv Vitamin C To Treat Cancer


As the United States media becomes concentrated into ownership of the very few, we lose access to complete information about what is really happening in every field of human endeavor. Specifically, in the case of medicine, the problem of media blackouts on natural medicine is further compounded by the immense power of the pharmaceutical industry. That industry’s massive advertising budgets have had obvious influence over the editorial slant of many publications and other media. As a result, there are extraordinarily effective natural treatments for cancer that never make the airwaves, and that cancer patients may only hear about from their oncologists, and then in the form of dire warnings to the patient not to distract himself or herself from chemotherapy. An excellent review of natural cancer treatments, written by a top-notch cancer researcher, is The Cancer Industry, by Ralph Moss, PhD. Fortunately, there are still some institutions on this earth that have not been entirely bought and paid for by special interests, such as the Nobel Prize Committee.

The chemist Linus Pauling was one of those extremely rare individuals to have actually won two Nobel prizes. Of Pauling’s prodigious life work, his research with high-dose Vitamin-C and cancer therapy has probably had the most far-reaching effect in the lives of an increasing number of people. Dr. Pauling showed that for all the various kinds of cancer that one can acquire, Vitamin C induces apoptosis. In other words, it kills cancer cells. It does this without inducing more pain or side effects, within weeks to months, and for a small fraction of the cost of chemotherapy. He showed that some go into remission completely on Vitamin C alone (which I have verified in my own medical practice), and that for other more severe and late-stage cases, either outright cure or lengthening of life and easing of pain are the rule rather than the exception. As a result of Pauling’s work and my own previous healing of cancer patients, I offer this therapy to cancer patients at any stage of their diagnosis.

I inject high-dose intravenous Vitamin C (with other anti-cancer nutrients) to these patients, and have had them respond well. I have worked with Stage One through Stage Four cancers, from fairly benign to as life-threatening as pancreatic cancer. I have had cancer patients go into remission in as little as seven weeks on my intravenous Vitamin-C cancer therapy and other nutrient therapy alone. And I have had others with more intractable tumors, for whom the tumors never really went away, but rather encapsulated in scar tissue, which rendered them neither growing nor shrinking, but more like tough shells of what they were, reduced from the high-dose blood supply that enabled their previous growth. These patients are now stable and holding their own. We have even had a throat cancer patient (cancer of the pharynx) go into remission without quitting smoking! Of course, we urged the patient to quit smoking, but fortunately the Vitamin C was more formidable than even the damage done by cigarettes.

Patients are often nervous about the prospect of embarking on a treatment without the blessing of their oncologist or other physicians. To ease these concerns, I make clear to my patients that I am happy to consult with other physicians regarding their case, and to see if there is some way that conventional treatments may also be offered to the patient. There are some benefits to be gained from the conventional cancer treatments, depending on the case, and I do encourage my patients to look into all of their options. In general, surgical removal of a resectable tumor is a good idea, when it is possible. All of the conventional therapies have been successfully combined with high dose intravenous Vitamin C therapy, without detriment to the patient. In fact, it has been found by many Vitamin C patients that it strengthens them when their other treatments leave them nauseated and weak. It also has had a markedly beneficial effect on the pain that accompanies cancer and the conventional therapies.

On the other hand, there are patients who have had enough of conventional medicine, or at least of conventional cancer treatments, and who choose to come to me exclusively. I do not turn these patients away either, and I have actually had my fastest successes usually with this type of patient. Cancer prevention cannot be mentioned without discussing the massively beneficial effects of diet. One thing that even the mainstream now agrees on is that vegetables and fruits are essential to preventing cancer. The reason is simple: these are the foods that our ancestors thrived on, and on which they were able to avoid the debilitating chronic diseases that plague our contemporary populations. These are also, not so coincidentally, the foods from which our ancestors derived most of their Vitamin C. Avoiding sugars and other processed foods is also very important, because such foods generally weaken immune system defenses against cancer, and overload the body with free radicals, substances that set into motion the chain of cellular-level events that lead to cancer, if unchecked.

However, here is a little-mentioned but very important thing to consider with regard to cancer prevention: A brain chemical called melatonin is essential for at least two reasons: it enables the brain to go into the sleep state and stay there all night. It is also one of the most powerful fighters of free radicals in our bodies. That means that while we sleep melatonin is fighting off pre-cancerous changes before they can take hold. Cancer has long been observed to be more prevalent among nightworkers, especially those who must have strong lights shining during the night, than others. This is most likely related to the fact that melatonin shuts off when strong light hits the eyes. Have any questions about Vitamin C or anything else regarding our treatments? Let us know your thoughts below!It’s a scientific fact: the antioxidant vitamin C will promote oxidation when it circulates in very high concentrations in highly oxygenated blood. Healthy cells tolerate high dosages because of catalase, an enzyme that neutralizes oxidation immediately.

Catalase is abundant in our blood and normal tissues but generally scant in malignant tumors— this lack in cancerous tissues allows vitamin C’s oxidative capacity to selectively kill malignant cells. Conventional therapy produces significant collateral damage, by which I mean that while chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are very effective at killing cancer cells, they don’t discriminate—they also kill healthy cells, equally. Some of the main cells that suffer are those of the immune system. Oncologists have to carefully estimate what the damage will be to healthy cells to avoid killing the patient with the very treatment intended to save him. That’s why chemo and radiation must have breaks in their cycles. I’m happy to share that there are natural therapies that produce no collateral damage. In some cases these work as effectively as chemo while not harming the patient. I want to introduce you to one of the oncology world’s greatest secrets: high-dose intravenous vitamin C.

Researchers have found that a highly concentrated vitamin C dose is “selectively” toxic to cancer cells, meaning the dose harms cancer cells but not healthy tissue. Yet when this treatment was coupled with the addition of catalase (an enzyme), the cancer-killing effect was reduced significantly. This led researchers to believe that the high-dose vitamin C infusion resulted in production of large quantities of hydrogen peroxide, which initially caused a cancer-killing effect that was then neutralized by the catalase. This suggested that cancer cells do not produce sufficient catalase to neutralize high levels of hydrogen peroxide on their own. We now know that many cancer cells produce small amounts of catalase to sustain low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. This creates the cancer-friendly environment of mild oxidative stress that encourages rapid growth of and further aggression by malignant cells. Fortunately, because a high proportion of cancers are only able to produce small amounts of catalase, they’re vulnerable to the cancer-killing effect exhibited by high levels of hydrogen peroxide.

A high dose and rapid IV infusion of vitamin C reacts spontaneously with molecular oxygen within tumors, generating large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, lethal to tumor cells that produce only small amounts of catalase. The NIH research has proven that to consistently achieve the vitamin-C concentration sufficient to provoke oxidation, a patient must receive dozens of grams intravenously; oral administration is useless in this regard. In addition, for the therapy to be effective, it should be given with a protocol that includes Ozone therapy. A number of published case reports, which show that repeated high-dose IV treatments yield objective tumor regression, are so compelling that NIH clinical trials are formally evaluating intravenous vitamin C therapy. Currently, we continue to look at dosing and treatment intervals as studies suggest that multiple, staged, and intermittent treatments may produce better anti-tumor effects than long high-dose single treatments. This will also protect the kidneys from becoming saturated.

At Oasis of Hope we’re utilizing protocols with multiple treatments and pauses between doses to maintain the level of vitamin C within an optimal therapeutic window. In theory, high-dose vitamin C should not cause toxic damage to healthy tissue because the body produces sufficient amounts of catalase to efficiently neutralize the hydrogen peroxide produced. Our experience supports the theory. We’ve treated hundreds of patients in this manner with no side effects, and our current protocol ensures vitamin-C blood and tissue levels that are safe and effective to kill cancer cells. Yet a burning question remains. Why doesn’t this therapy work for everyone? Three variables can undermine its effectiveness. First, some tumors produce larger amounts of catalase, which neutralizes the oxidizing effect of hydrogen peroxide. Second, sometimes there are insufficient catalysts to promote the necessary transfer of electrons. Third, sometimes in the extracellular space there is insufficient oxygen, which is needed for vitamin C to produce hydrogen peroxide.

For now, scientists have not found a way to selectively block production of catalase within tumors. However, we can definitively increase this therapy’s effectiveness by providing two supporting agents: electron transfer catalysts and tumor oxygenating agents. Vitamin C’s ability to generate hydrogen peroxide in tumors hinges on the presence of catalysts that can transfer electrons from the vitamin to oxygen molecules, generating an unstable compound superoxide, which rapidly converts to the hydrogen peroxide that has cancer-killing properties. One such well-known catalyst is menadione, also known as vitamin K3 . Substantial research in both rodent and human studies demonstrates that supplementing intravenous vitamin C with injectable vitamin K3 increases the therapy’s effectiveness on cancer cells. A vitamin C/K3 combination can interact synergistically with certain cytotoxic chemo drugs in killing cancer cells. Vitamin K3 alone can increase the cytotoxicity of certain chemo agents, presumably because, in sufficiently high concentrations, K3 help generate oxidative stress by transferring electrons from intracellular molecules to oxygen.

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