iv vitamin c mississauga

iv vitamin c mississauga

iv vitamin c glioblastoma

Iv Vitamin C Mississauga


Intravenous (IV) Therapy Treatments Intravenous (IV) therapy involves the administration of nutrients in high concentrations to rapidly improve cellular healing. Normally, cells in the digestive tract facilitate the absorption of nutrients. However, in IV therapy the digestive tract is bypassed with the direct infusion into the bloodstream. This allows the cells to rapidly obtain nutrients needed to repair, regenerate, and regain strength. The IV method of administration also allows much higher doses to enter the cells than would be possible through ingestion alone. For example, some people will experience digestive upset if they take several grams of vitamin C orally. These negative effects can be avoided through the IV method. IV therapy is particularly helpful for: Poor digestion, such as inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis and food sensitivities Cancer treatment and has been shown to increase effectiveness of chemo therapy To speed recovery from acute infection

Chronic stress and/or illness Prevent and treatment of migraines Fibromyalgia, depression and CFS Dr. Aisling is certified by the BDDT-N to practice IV therapy in Ontario. Modern Take on Traditional Treatment Methods Lifestyle Strategies and Clinical Treatments Alternative Approach to Headaches in Mississauga Alternative Approach to Headaches in Mississauga Most people try to ignore their headaches and others… Living to 90 and Beyond Living to 90 and Beyond Below is a research case study of a man who… Learning from the best at the California Jam... California Jam 2017 Chiropractic Conference I had the opportunity to travel to California to attend… Rib Pain Helped with Chiropractic Rib Pain Helped with Chiropractic This is a research case study of a 20 year… The Best Hot Drink in Cold February Weather From... The best hot drink in cold February weather from our Naturopathic Doctor I’ve been experimenting…

Cancer Care utilizes the most successful natural cancer therapies from around the world to strengthen the body’s ability to heal without causing harm. Some of our patients choose to exclusively use only natural medicine, while others try to find the balance between natural and conventional treatments. Either way, we are here to address your needs. We also encourage you to visit our cancer-dedicated website: www.mycancercare.ca Many individuals are concerned that natural products many interfere with their chemotherapy, drugs and radiation. Let our Naturopathic Doctors show you that there are many natural treatments that do not interfere with conventional oncology treatments. In fact, natural treatments and products can: There are many programs and supplement that claim they are “nature’s miracle cure” for cancer. Treating cancer is a process where many things in your life must change. At pureBalance Wellness · Cancer Care, our Naturopathic Doctors are trained in advanced treatments and we ensure the highest standards of research behind our therapies.

Our treatment therapies are individualized, no two cancers are treated with the same protocol. The natural treatments that we use have been scientifically studied to shown evidence of beneficial effects against cancer. The goals of starting natural cancer therapies are to: It is difficult for cancer patients to feel good or eat right when undergoing cancer treatments. There are many ways to implement preventative cancer strategies to help with long term health while addressing nutrition before, during and after treatment. For the treatment and prevention of cancer, a clean and healthy diet is very important. Simple foods that have been part of our lives for years have been identified as foods that increase the risk of cancer, causing a build up of toxins in the body and further damaging DNA. For successful cancer therapy, change in nutrition is necessary. Like many other patients before you, let us be a part of the changes you need to make to your diet. Workshops on Nutrition and cancer will be provided at pureBalance Wellness ·

Cancer Care, refer to the Events page for more details. Current research shows that there are natural products that can have tumour reducing or cytotoxic effects. More importantly there are products that can decrease cancer metastasis. A number of studies show that the following have been used successful in cancer treatment: For advanced cases of cancer, a more aggressive approach is to increase blood levels of vitamin C via intravenous therapy. Vitamin C, in large amounts is converted into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the blood; this potent free radical becomes toxic to cells. Healthy cells have a high level of an enzyme called catalase which can protect against H2O2. Cancer cells lack this enzyme and are therefore damaged by the H2O2 produced via the vitamin C. Another factor why cancer can occur is because of poor immune response. Incorporating immune protocol into your treatment is highly recommended. These therapies can be used in conjunction chemotherapy and radiation.

It is very important after cancer drugs, chemotherapy and radiation to cleanse the body of their toxic chemical effects. Detoxification of the body allows for the restoration of normal functioning physiology and a return of energy and vitality. Ask about our detoxification programs. Unfortunately, for some cancer patients, chemotherapy and radiation treatments might not work as well as intended. Speak to our naturopathic doctor to explore some of our more aggressive natural therapies. Naturopathic treatment programs to address cleansing and detoxification include use of vitamins, minerals, herbs and homeopathy formulation which support organs such as your liver, kidney and intestines to clear out toxins. Removing the toxic load out of the body due to chemotherapy and radiation will allow the body to return to optimum function and form. Our successful detoxification programs will help you achieve that outcome. Homotoxicology is a very safe and effective treatment therapy that can be combined with conventional cancer therapies.

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