is it ok to buy used mattress

is it ok to buy used mattress

is it bad to buy a used crib mattress

Is It Ok To Buy Used Mattress


> beds, mattresses in Toronto (GTA) Use Distance Search to find Ads based on where you are and how far you want to travel. Get an alert with the newest ads for beds, mattresses in Toronto (GTA). A helmet that has been dropped or involved in an accident won't protect you the way it should – even if it looks fine.Get professionally fitted for a new helmet (free at most bike shops), and you'll have a helmet that is both safe and comfortable to wear. Photo © Flickr user BrentDPayne Most car seats expire six years from the date of manufacture, and while the expiration date is easy enough to check (it'll usually printed on one of seat's labels), it's still a good idea to steer clear of used car seats. They may have been dropped, involved in a wreck or otherwise damaged– there's just no way to tell.Still pained by the thought of springing for a new car seat? Just remember that a new seat will include all of the latest safety features, so this is one time when buying new means getting more.

Photo © Flickr user Eddie~S Mattresses have an average lifespan of just five to seven years. You might just end up with one that no longer provides proper support and comfort. They also come pre-loaded with dust mites, dander and other things that you probably don't want to think about – and may even be allergic too. To save money on a mattress, buy new; then, flip and rotate your mattress as often as the manufacturer recommends. It's an easy way to get a couple of extra years out of your purchase. Photo © Flickr user kellyhogaboom Some things just aren't meant to be passed on, and unmentionables definitely fall into that category. If you find yourself contemplating the purchase of a used swimsuit, consider this: fungus (as in the kind that causes yeast infections) can survive in clothing. Photo © Flickr user daveybot Buy a pair of shoes that someone else has broken in, and you could end up with foot problems that cost more to treat than a new pair of shoes.

So not worth it!When to Break the Rule: If you come across brand new or worn-once shoes when you're shopping at yard sales, thrift stores or flea markets, and they're a top-notch brand, go ahead and buy them. Photo © Flickr user Idhren Buying used makeup could turn into a buy-one-get-one-free deal, as in: buy a tube of mascara, get a free eye infection. Since you really don't know what's lurking in that makeup container (or even how old it is), it's best to start fresh. Donate Computers to Charity. Photo © Flickr urer gesteves Bad things happen to good laptops. They get dropped, spilled on, infected with viruses and left in hot cars. So, that "like new" laptop that you're looking at may keep chugging on for years, or it may crash tomorrow. When to Break the Rule: If you find a manufacturer refurbished laptop that meets your specs, buy without fear. Even if something goes wrong, you'll be covered by a warranty. Photo © Flickr user Mykl_Roventine Tires are expensive, so people usually wear them out before buying another set.

If you find a killer deal on used tires, there may be a reason someone's ditching them early. They could be out of round, noisy or have poor traction (none of which are problems you want).Another issue: Tires dry out over time, so if you don't know how old the tires are (and how long they've been off of a vehicle), that's another reason to be wary. Ford recommends replacing your tires every six years – even if the tread is good.Mattresses are just about the bulkiest item a consumer can recycle. On the plus side, you’re likely only disposing of one once every 10 to 20 years, but the size and weight means it won’t be an easy process. The good news is that mattresses contain several valuable materials like steel that increases the recycling market. However, most mattress recycling companies don’t want to deal with consumers disposing of one mattress, especially if you need it hauled away. This means your best bet is to find a hauler who will recycle it for you. Here are the four best options (in order of ease and cost) to accomplish this:

Find a place near you to recycle your mattress with our Recycling Locator. Why should I recycle my mattress?Are thrift stores allowed to sell used mattresses?As mentioned above, all local affiliates are different as to what they accept. But assuming that your mattress is 10+ years old and covered in dead skin cells, don’t count on donation being an option. St. Vincent de Paul has in California and Oregon that recycles 170,000 mattresses and box springs annually, so it’s possible your local store will accept and ship them for recycling.What types of recyclable materials are in mattresses? Are box springs recyclable?How do I dispose of air mattresses and waterbeds?What should I do with foam mattress pads, like a Tempur-Pedic mattress?Are there any state laws regarding mattress recycling? Travel Rewards Credit Cards Cash Back Credit Cards 0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards The trick to getting your money's worth at a garage sale is knowing what to buy — and what not to buy.

The next time you visit a thrift store or garage sale, you really need to skip these 10 things. (See also: The 5 Best Deals in Every Thrift Store) By purchasing a bicycle or motorcycle helmet at a thrift store, you could be unintentionally putting your safety at risk. You have no idea who owned it before you, how old it is, or why they got rid of it. According to the Bike Helmet Safety Institute (BHSI), your helmet should be replaced after hitting your head in any crash. They recommend never buying a used helmet because it may have been involved in an accident. Instead, purchase a new helmet and feel confident that your head is protected. In most cases, you should steer clear of old mattresses and box springs at the thrift store. Mattresses naturally gather things like allergens and dust mites from the previous owner, and you'll never know what caused a stain. The bed bug risk is also always a worry. Apart from being gross, mattresses also conform to the first owner's body and sleeping position.

This will leave the bed lumpy and uncomfortable for you. Cribs and car seats are constantly being updated with new safety features, and recalled when other features fail. If you purchase a used one at a garage sale, you risk purchasing one of the millions of cribs that have been recalled for safety reasons. The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) found that a crib more than 10 years old will also have design flaws that put infants in danger. This is also true for many other used baby items, such as... Car seats are only expected to last between five to nine years (check your expiration date). If you buy one at a garage sale, you won't know if it was involved in a crash. Car seats are only meant to go through one accident, even if the child was not in the seat at the time. Go the smarter, safer route, and buy new. If they've touched someone's nether regions, you should take a pass. Bathing suits also wear out faster than regular clothing, so they may already be near the end.

Instead of saving a few dollars on used underwear or bathing suits, just wait to purchase these essentials when they are on sale (such as during the winter, in the clearance bins, or during a semi-annual sale). If you don't know who's used it, you shouldn't be applying any cosmetic product to your face. In fact, in a study by LA Times, it was discovered that 100% of makeup testers at a popular department store cosmetic counter were contaminated with E. coli, strep, staph, and other bacteria. If these issues run rampant in a department store, they are sure to be found in your local thrift store's makeup selection as well. You should stay away from bath and beauty products, including creams, lotions, and perfumes, because there is no guarantee that you will actually get what the bottle states. The seller could have replaced the contents with anything. Cosmetics don't last forever, so you may be buying something that's already expired and risk exposure to harmful bacteria. If you buy used running shoes, the tread and cushioning are probably already worn out and you will end up injuring your feet, knees, legs, and/or back by running in them.

Used shoes have already been molded to someone else's feet and it will be difficult to get them to re-mold to yours. As is the case with any used footwear, you are also at risk of catching a foot fungus or other bacterial infection from wearing someone else's shoes. You can already find a good deal on old or used items at most electronics stores — and these generally come with some sort of warranty. See what kind of deals you can get online or at your local electronics or home goods store before considering shopping at a thrift shop. You may also want to consider refurbished electronics, which have been professionally repaired by the manufacturer or an authorized dealer. Certain games (particularly vintage ones) can be a unique thrift store find at an affordable cost. On the other hand, puzzles and games with lots of pieces are never a good idea. If there's even one piece missing, you won't be able to play. Where's the fun in that? What are some of your favorite things to buy at a thrift store or garage sale?

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