By RaAr3s

This DePIN project is 10x more efficient than Amazon cloud

Join me today to see how @ionet_official plans to put 1M GPUs in a decentralized physical infrastructure network.

We'll unwrap:

➙ what's IO

➙ features

➙ products

➙ faster & cheaper than AWS

➙ $IO coin

➙ roadmap

▫️Emerged out of necessity due to the rapidly growing AI compute requirements, which have been increasing tenfold every 18 months, @ionet_official is revolutionizing access to GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) resources for AI and ML.

- this trend was highlighted by OpenAI's rental of over 300K CPUs and 10K GPUs for GPT-3 training, marking the beginning of a compute-intensive era

- makes high-performance computing affordable and accessible

- leverages Solana's blockchain

- use DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) to link unused GPUs together for shared computing power

▫️Key features

1. shared GPUs for extra power

2. cheaper than usual computing services ➡️ saves money

3. scalability due to its high performance

4. uses IO coin for payments

5. strong security & easy to use due to its design not only for experts


A. IO Cloud: decentralized GPU clusters ➡️ manages on-demand GPU clusters for AI/ML apps.

- flexible and scalable GPU access

- cost-effective, up to 90% cheaper

- global GPU distribution

- seamless integration with IO-SDK

B. IO Worker: supply management interface ➡️manages GPU supply operations effectively

- real-time computing insights & device management

- temperature & power consumption tracking

- wallet management & profitability calculation

- simplified device connection process

- strong security & real-time earnings overview

C. IO Explorer: network transparency tool ➡️ provides a detailed view of the network's GPU activities

- real-time metrics on cluster bookings & deployments

- detailed view of clusters & devices

- public display of network devices & transactions

- user-centric design for eady navigation & insights

▫️ Faster and cheaper than AWS

➙ uses underutilized resources like independent data centers, crypto miners, and consumer GPUs.

➙ this approach makes compute services up to 90% cheaper than traditional cloud providers.

➙ creating distributed clusters with AWS is slow due to lengthy processes and requirements like KYC and long-term contracts.

➙ GPU compute acquisition from AWS can take weeks.

➙ doesn't have such restrictions, allowing users to access and deploy clusters in under 90 seconds.

👉 is 10 to 20 times more efficient than traditional cloud offerings due to its speed and cost-effectiveness.

▫️$IO coin

❕IO Coin is set to launch in Q2 2024

➙ Use cases:

- cluster payments and as a gateway for model inference

- rewards for suppliers

- transaction fees

➙ Burn and Mint Economics

- IOSD are a $USD-pegged utility token derived from IO in a burn transaction and used to pay fees on the cloud. 

- IOSD is only produced by burning IO.

For a detailed overview, check


My 2 cents

Here's a question that popped out of my head:  

In a world where computing power is becoming as essential as electricity, can's vision of a decentralized, cost-effective network truly become the new norm, challenging the giants of cloud computing?

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