

A. Casgaf Denlio

Introduction :

Wassup darl, how's ur day? I hope good and always good. Btw introduce my name is A. Casgaf Denlio u can call me aidrex or ur patname maybe? I'm type person yang possesive tapi tidak over, ex : kalau milik saya disentuh ah no jangankan disentuh ditoel aja saya pasti marah, ya because u're mine. Jealouse? Yes, cemburuan kalau punya saya lebih asik sama yang lain it makes me sad darl, that's why I said I'm a possessive person. Also saya itu ganteng kata bunda sama tetangga, humoris, gentle, good attitude insyaallah. Kalaupun sibuk saya usahakan meluangkan waktu untuk pacar saya karna ya u know, u are my priority. Saya bisa diajak begadang or seperti yang saya tulis di available, clingy? For it idk karna I can't describe it coba nanti nilai sendiri. Untuk typ, kamu bisa req but usually type formal and fyi saya BIL even though my grammar is bad. Person yang suka ngerandom kadang bisa aja bahas pohon mangga tetangga, kolor ayah, omelan bunda dll so, maklumin kalo agak absurd mendekati ke freak.

Good listener & be ur best home, tidak perlu sungkan kalau sama saya karna sebisa mungkin saya kasih kamu best advice. Luapin apapun sama saya ok? its oke no prob darl, I'm here for u jadi ayo bikin saya berguna. I will be angry kalau kamu mendem problem dan berakhir nyakitin diri, it's bad i don't like it. Selagi sama saya kamu bisa curahin apapun, kalau ada yang gangguin kamu bilang ke saya, nanti saya bantu buat negur dia because ur comfort is the most important. Bukan cowo yang suka matiin topik so enjoy with me, soalnya saya agak bawel kalau di rc gak bisa kalau cuman 1 bubble chat. Rich is enough, this is also quite a lot. Saya suka bikin patname buat pacar so kalau saya marah biasanya menggunakan bahasa awal a.k.a "saya-kamu". Am I attractive? let's interact, see u darl.

Pross : Always there beside you, being the most comfortable and safest home for you. Give what you want as best I can because the main thing is to make you happy.

Cons : Saya pelupa, sometimes I forget to tell you (gak sering) biasanya kalau saya lagi sleep, yes i like to sleep and its hard to wake up darl.


— Basic : Req typing, muse, put dn, put bio, PDA, imagine s/n sfw, literature s/n sfw, dirty talk, stay up late (max 00.00 am), IC (Tetangga, wattpad, ex, crush), matching ava, content (no face).

— Date : game date (onlytele), study date (only chat), movie date (only rave).

— Rl Thingy : pap activity, Sleep call/Otp mute (please ask first), Vn (only 2 vn), playing instrument (only guitar, no face (blank).


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