


Introduction :

Hi, I made you stop scrolling, didn’t I? Since you stopped scrolling, you might as well give me some of your attention, pleaseeee? Thanks for the attention, I’m going to introduce myself first : My name is Robin! Biasanya sih, dipanggil sayang. ;) hehehe, bercanda.

okay, lets move on. First fun fact about me : I’m a cat person, do you like cats? I usually send cat videos to my partner that I consider cute. Second fun fact : I am good at pampering my partner, If you like to be babied (annoyingly) I am perfect for you HAHAHAH. Third fun fact : I am a good advice giver, kalau mau cerita please remember that I’m here . Fourth fun fact : aku orangnya usil, I like to make my partner angy cause I find it cuteee >:) lol. But I know my limits and I know when to stop. Fifth fact about me, I use harshwords when my cuteness aggression kicks in.

That’s it for five fun facts about me, sekarang aku mau bahas about my hobbies and interest. A few things that I love to do is watching movies (i usually watch movies on disney+ and netflix), reading books (my favorite writer is Tere Liye and Collen hoover) aaanndd making origamis. If you’re interested in that kind of stuff, I’ll be waiting for you in my roomchat!

— Pros : I’m good at starting conversations, kita bisa ngomongin hal apa aja yang kamu mau. Pasti nyambung kok kalau sama aku =) I express my affection with words of affirmation. Even tho I’m good at doing Love-hate relationships, I am also good at lovey-dovey relationships, I’d be very glad to give you sweet talks especially at night before you sleep.

— Cons : I leave people on read by accident sometimes


— Basic : staying up late (12.30 AM limit time), bio, matching profile pictures, ava, display name, otp (muted), PDA, game date from telegram or genshin impact, roblox,, pindah platform to discord, pap muse.

— Date : game date from telegram, genshin,, spotify session and movie date (on rave)

— Rl Thingy : pap daily activities, otp (muted)

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