

Marcello Herdinata

Introduction :

Hello. I'm Marcello Herdinata, you can call me Marcell or Cello for short. And now i want to let you know about myself. 

Actually gua bukan tipe cowok yang sweet dan romantis. So don't expect me too much, karena gua lebih enjoy dalam love hate relationship atau semacamnya. Meskipun begitu gua tetep bisa kasih lo banyak affection dengan cara gua sendiri. I will make you feel loved and make your day much better.

Next, gua bisa dibilang talkative ya, gua suka cerita hal hal yang gak penting yang bisa disebut too much information. And i like to use capslock 24/7 because of no reason, kayak seru aja sih sebenernya. Gua juga suka reply chat lebih dari satu BBC dan gua bakal reply BBC lo satu persatu biar topik kita makin banyak, betul apa betul?

Last, gua bukan cowok yang clingy but i can be clingy sometimes. You better prepare yourself to give me lots of hugs and kisses. 

— Pros : gua itu fastrespon, suka balesin chat per-bbc, talkactive and convobuilder, can be your boyfriend and enemy at the same time, have a lots of topic, suka cerita hal hal kecil.

— Cons : gua suka tidur jadi maaf kalo gua sering ketiduran. Terus sekalinya gua slr bakal slr banget, biasanya jadwal gua ngga ketebak. bad in english. jadwal gua pas hari jum'at dan sabtu agak padet.


— Basic : put bio, req ava/nickname, move pf to whatsapp and line, stay up late, IC Mark Lee/Haechan/AU drop link.

— Date : movie date, game date (among us, stumble,, @gamee).

— Rl Thingy : pap daily activity.

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