

Dafa Julio

Introduction :

ssup sweetie! sebelum kita pacaran, let's get to know me first.

my name is Dafa Julio but u can call me “dafa, dapa, dap” senyaman aja mau manggilnya apa, kalo mau panggil sayang juga gpp gak keberatan.

I'm the type of boyfriend who is very loving, can give u powder of love, need affection? I can make u fall in love with me, I give my whole heart to u. Of course dating me will not bore u babe, other than being bulol. I can also tell u about my funny days, and u can also tell about ur good or bad days. I can be ur support, u can tell stories when u are at a weak point, I will respond and listen to ur story well honey

So, what are u waiting for? Let's dating with me right now, because the world belongs to only the two of us.

See u in room chat babe!

— Pros : Dafa julio is a man who is very affectionate towards his lover, he can make his lover a queen and treat his lover like a queen. always gives random stories to u, he is the type of person who always replies to his girlfriend's bubble chat one by one. Dafa's top priority is u, u're my lover. u can be 24/7 with me, we can talk about random things, make love to each other without interference from people around and this world is only ours, you can feel my love and affection every time

— Cons : My weakness that u should know is that i can't give my rl identity. but believe me, i can give the best affection for u


— Basic : Stay up late (until 02.00 WIB), Pap activity, IC, Put Bio, Konten (Tj ya), Req typing, Put bio, Req name, Req muse, Move pf (WA), PDA, imagime sfw, pet name

— Date : Movie date, Game date (tele & codm), AU date, Food date

— Rl Thingy :

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