


$ Relationship : BxG GxB as dominant, bestie, family (as kid/lil brother/brother/father)

$ Love Language : Quality time, Words of Affirmation, and Acts of Service

$ Availability : Basic request (req ava, dn, typing), Public display affection (PDA), Pap RL activity (without face), OTP/Sleepcall mute, Movie date on Rave/Netflix, Food and drink date (bills on cust) , Game date (free fire/Stumble), Spotify session, In character, Reading date, and Colouring date (digital only).

$ Unavailability : study date, cinema date, library date, and museum date

First let me say hi to all of you who want to take a peek or read my profile. ;Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Selamat pagi, Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Syalom, Oom Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Wei De Dong Tian, Salam kebajikan. i'm Arzain amindo, often called arza or zain, If you have any other name for me, I'd be happy to accept it. Hmm. I'm here to briefly introduce myself solidly and clearly. I'll give you my love language before. QT, WOA and AOS. and was in high school, who majored in ips.

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