


Before you read this, can you play this song while reading the text below? ⬇️

Hi Rafly!

How's ur day? i hope you have a wonderful day.

I love being your secret admirer for these four months. I enjoy this moment, I love talking to you and knowing about your day, I love when you ask me random questions, I love when we spend time on roomchat together, I love when I remind you to eat and drink and I love when I start my day by saying 'good morning' and before closing my eyes with 'good night' to you. I want to thank you for trusting me to listen your amazing story and I hope you can still tell me after this, thank you for appreciating me, thank you for responding to my cute and cringe massage. ^^

Today it's my brithday, and today I would like to introduce myself.

It's a lie that I don't have Instagram, it's a lie that I don't follow you on Instagram, it's a lie that I'm not a girl form ips 2, it's a lie that I've never participated in paskib. I'm sorry I lied to you so much, but it's for my own good :)

So, can you guess now?

It's me.

Satu sekolah yang namanya windu cuman aku kok, jadi nggak usah bingung windu yang mana.

I'm sowry if i made you feel uncomfortable while talking to me, if i disturbed you, if any of my words offended you :(

You told me, kalau waktunya nggak tepat. Nggak masalah, aku confess bukan untuk kamu like me back, selama aku trying to close w you itu aku pengen kenal kamu lebih deket, kita nggak pernah ngobrol yang banyak, kita juga cuman say hi sekedar dari eskul, dan aku juga waktu itu bener bener belum tau kamu, minim interaksi banget. Bukan berarti selama aku chat aku cuman buat deket doang gitu ya gak, faktor sukanya juga dong. Kalo kamu mikir kenapa aku suka kamu, aku keinget waktu itu abis pulang eskul, terus kamu pamit ke temen-temen, ke aku juga sambil senyum gatau kenapa senyummu yang waktu itu keinget tiba-tiba, di tambah kamu bikin story foto pake seragam batik sambil senyum terus backsoundnya lagu limbo -keshi, dari situ i am interested in you and the reason why I keep contact with the name 'limbo'.

Jujur, seneng bisa confess rasanya kayak pencapaian di umur 17 tahunku itu confess LMAO, i mean dalam hal percintaan. It's all about first time, aku yang pertama kali bikin mini gift dan berani ngasihin ke cowo, aku pertama kali coloring gambar terus langsung aku kirim ke orang yang aku gambar, aku pertama kali jadi the real secret admirer, aku yang pertama kali nyukain orang and after two days dia langsung masuk sketchbook ku, hahaha lucu sih. Oh ya, and sorry about selama ini alay, alay dan sangat alay, kelihatan chilldhis or something unsightly.

I hope that after this confession, we have no space, I am still here for you.

Thankz. —win

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