


I ‘m Bill. ==Today...== I want to share my story in ==traveling abroad==. I have been to many countries. For example,==...== do you know where did the ==latest== ==RUNNING MAN== record their TV show ? It's Vienna , the capital of Austria(奥地利的首都). Their main content is to present an English speech about THE UNITED NATIONS.If you still feel nervous about English presentation, you can watch their performance. So that traveling abroad isn't something new for me but sometimes==...== something dangerous.

​ The story happened in ==Spain==. When we first arrived in Madrid —— the capital of Spain. We booked an online car-hailing(网约车) on 携程 from the local ==airport== to our ==hotel==. The driver we ordered online is ethnic Chinese who lived in Spain for nearly ==5== years. He is familiar with the local environment but only can speak a little bit Spanish. The way to the hotel which located in the center of the city is almost the ==highway.==

​ When we were chatting with the driver ==comfortably==,the driver ==suddenly== found that a vehicle with ==police symbol== looks like police car was tracing behind us and give us a sign to make our car stopped for the reason we don't know. At that moment, my father who sits next to the driver asked whether the online car-hailing in Spain is illegal or not. The driver still keeps calm and stopped the car at the rightest side of the road.

​ At that period, the only idea in my mind is whether the police carried guns or not. ==Jesus Christ!==

​ The police first ==quickly== waved his ==certificate== and then asked our driver whether we carried drugs. Without listening out our driver's explanation, he shouted out that "Hand over your passport !" At the same time, his hands went through the window to check my father's pocket .

​ Finally, the "policeman" realized there is no smartphone or cash in my father's pocket. Therefore, he hurried to go away and left us who don't know what really happened.==......==

​ This group is fake policemen. Maybe you heard TRUMP said about Fake news. But do you know fake police. They ==targets== newly-arrived tourists like us leaving hotels or airports. In some cases, they demanded to see your wallet for evidence of drugs before stealing cash or smartphone.

​ Pay attention to your wallet and smartphone while you are traveling or traveling abroad.

​ Be remember China is not the whole world.

​ That's the end of my story.

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