



3/18/20. We now believe that the world’s leaders are grossly overreacting to a viral condition that rarely causes any problems for anyone under the age of about 80. Shutting down a large portion of a society to save a few elderly people makes no sense whatsoever. It does much more harm than good by depriving people of work and learning opportunities. The news is also reporting an increase in crime due to people’s inability to buy alcohol or other goods. Even worse, government and media actions are causing extreme fear and panic that can result in much more sickness than that caused by this virus.

We sincerely hope that the world’s leaders recognize this. We now believe they are being used by political forces that want to disrupt and destroy the industrialized world, and who wish to impose totalitarian rule.

We see the world’s leaders violating basic human rights by shutting down businesses, schools and other parts of society. We do not accept the communist idea that governments should have this power. The rule of law must be paramount, as follows:

In a society ruled by laws, everyone is responsible for his or her actions. The government may advise people. However, a decision such as whether to open or shut a business should be up to the business owner.

The owner needs to understand that if harm occurs, he or she could be liable. If a claim is made against a business, the determination of innocence or guilt should be made by a jury of peers.

For example, the jury must understand that when one eats at a restaurant, flies on an airplane or boards a ship, there is always some risk of catching diseases – many of them, in fact. Common sense dictates that the owner of a business should not be held liable for risks that everyone takes when one patronizes certain businesses.


3/18/20. The author has visited Italy and it is lovely nation with wonderful people. We will use the example of Italy as a way to teach proper nutrition.

Italy has had more problems with the Chinese virus than most other nations. Some say the reason is the communist Chinese are secretly buying up assets in Italy. As a result, more Chinese are in Italy and brought the virus to that nation. However, a few features of the Italian diet are also problematic:

- Italians love fresh food. However, they eat few cooked vegetables. Instead, they eat a lot of salads. Human beings cannot extract much nutrition from raw vegetables because we cannot break down tough vegetable fibers.

Ruminant (grass-eating) animals such as cows have multiple stomachs. They also throw up their food and chew it again – called “chewing the cud”. This is the only way to extract most of the nutrition from eating raw vegetables. This is one reason why we recommend cooking all vegetables.

- Many Italians drink strong coffee. The words cappuccino, latte and expresso all come from the Italian language. These are harmful beverages.

- Many Italian smoke cigarettes. This weakens their lungs and their entire body.

- In most European nations, people eat dinner late at night. Restaurants often don’t even open until 8 PM. Dinners are often slow and leisurely. As a result, people go to bed late. Going to bed after 9 PM is quite harmful for health.

- Italians eat a lot of white bread, as do most people around the world. Bleached, white flour products are one of the most toxic and nutritionally deficient foods on earth - guaranteed to weaken the body.

- Many Italians eat a “continental” breakfast of just coffee and a sweet roll. This is another health-killing habit since it is junk food that provides very little nutrition.

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