


hi gua jeffren, u can call me anything u want, mostly people call me jeff, but if u have a special nickname for me absolutley i'll accept it with all of my heart

i'd rather play the guitar than play girl's heart hahaha love language gua a word of affirmation n act of service, hobi gua jga ada bnyak like listening to music, watching a netflix, basketball, n of course playing a guitar, i can also change my hobbies, for examples with u lol

gua lebih prefer cwe clingy soalnya gua jga clingy, dan ngertiin gua whatever my situation, gua jga orngnya suka denger cerita u can any share stories with me apapun itu gua denger n gua suka berbagi cerita, i will do anything for orng yg gua sayang, lu bisa jadiin gua sebgai tempat rumah lu saat lu ada problem, cause i'm here for u

fyi gua orngnya cukup slr but gua bakal berusaha buat slalu ngabarin apapun situasi, gua jga cukup bnyak kegiatan jadi kdng suka ngilang tapi gue usahakan gaakan ngilang di hidup lu

so itu aja basa basi kecil gua if u want to know more about me let's chek my ch or rent me i'm waiting for u, see u honey

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