

Helping Hand


My name is Helping Hand bot!

I'm here to unite you with your friends when some of you needs monetary support.

I WILL BE THE CONNECTOR between you and your friends.

You just ask me - I will scan through your friends list and find you the helping hand of your friend! Same way when your friends may need help they will be able to ask it from you!

I keep track of every help deal. This means that everyone has a record and a reliability rating! Even kind deeds need discipline and order.

You can start using me in 2 simple steps:

Step 1: decide on how much of your spare funds you are ready to lend and enter this number /set_funds (this information is going to be confidential, only you will know it)

Step 2: add your friends to your friends list by /add_relationship.

A-a-and... you are good to go!

Be the Helping Hand!


Get the Helping Hand!

...whenever you need it...

P.S. No worries! I have no access to your credit card, all money transfers left under your full control.

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