

I interviewed Alfatch Chafidz. He is 16 years old and lives in Malang. He has expertise in the fields of 3D blender and illustration. One of his main weaknesses is that he becomes lazy when his ideas are stuck. His career goal is to become an animator. One of his main weaknesses is that he becomes lazy when his ideas are stuck. His career goal is to become an animator. In a work situation, the most important thing for him is normal rest. His dream job is to become a content creator. I believe that the worst job in the world is a job that requires overtime but low pay. When he was little, he wanted to be an archaeologist because he thought being an archaeologist was cool. His hobby is drawing, and he expects a salary of 5 million at his current age, but expects a salary of between 1 to 2 billion or more in the future.

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