

iyas, cempaka

Name & Username: iyas @femaiex

Muse: chaeyoung twice, maki zenin jujutsu kaisen


- pap activity

- basic req (ava, put display name, put bio)

- ic au/crush/ex/anime (spyxfamily, jjk, aot)

- otp mute/unmute

- move platform (WhatsApp)

- game date on telegram

- movie date

- make a content

- voice note

Note: You can answer it in two languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English. 1×24 hours.

1. Describe yourself include pro and cons in work field or friendship in general. Also, mention how active you are on telegram. 

- okay first, aku suka dan hobi nonton anime, so i have a lot of topic especially about anime. aku tipe yang love-hate relationship, low sense of humor, tukang koleksi meme, dan hobi becanda. as an entp person, rasanya bakalan boring banget kalau gaada topik yang sedikit "memperdebatkan" sesuatu, jadi disela topik topik random yang ada, aku suka tanya tanya tentang kejadian yang lagi viral, pendapatmu tentang dunia, dsb. semua aku tanyain buat dapet pendapat dari lawan bicaraku. i'm the type of soft dominant woman, but sometime i can be the hard dominant. clingy, bubbly, aku suka spam kalau lawan bicaraku hilang, i will promise i never doing a dry conversation like "kamu udah makan? udah mandi?" its was like, bruh.

untuk (-) nya i have an angry issue. jadi kadang kesenggol dikit rasanya pengen murka se murka murka sampe nyemburin api. but, its my job to handle and control it. bakal jadi probelm yang besar kalau aku gabisa kontrol emosiku sendiri. belakangan ini aku jarang online telegram, online kalau lagi gabut aja. tapi kalau misalkan aku sudah keterima disini, i will spend my time for my new friends, and lot of new people i met. masa iya udah keterima ga jalan.

2. What’s your opinion towards @OIdstereo? And rate how interested you are to our agency.

- aku pertama kali liat @.oldstereo bisa bisanya aku kira radio roleplay "). terus setelah dibaca lagi ternyata lagi hiring talent, dam kebetulan aku juga lagi cari agensi pertamaku. aku stalk, ngeliat respon admin yang baik di comsec bikin aku mikir kayak "ramah ya, kalau aku disini kayaknya oke" thats the first impression i see. yg bikin aku makin yakin aku mau daftar disini

3. What are you gonna do if you face up customers with “annoying” behavior in general? Such as convokiller, rarely answer chats, et cetera. 

- as i say before, i have an angru issue. so gabisa dipungkiri aku kesel sama pelanggan yang begitu, terutama ketika aku sudah jadi convobuild, dia malah jadi convokiller. tapi balik lagi, pelanggan adalah raja. inget tujuan kita jadi talent selain dapat pendapatan juga kita harus nemenin pelanggan kita dengan baik. imo, dan yang aku bakal lakuin ; doing our job. kerjain apa yang mesti kamu kerjain. even aku gapunya partner yang bisa diajak hubungan timbal balik yang baik.

4. Are you ready to contribute for @OIdstereo’s future occassion? Mention the things that counted as a contribution. 

- contibution my time. and i think salary of mine that will deducted for agency purposes is also a contribution

5. Are you willing to take any consequence if you’ve disobeying our ordinance and will not take every criticism personally but still, seriously?

- everyone will be a better person because they learn from any critism. honestly it's the first time i join the agency. jadi kritikan beserta saran itu sangat diterima, asalkan diberikan dengan baik. for the consequence, aku bakal terima konsekuensi apapun apabila melanggar

6. Are you willing to keep anything inside our agency to our agency only? 

i will

7. The salary of yours will deducted 15% per handed format, with the benefits that are listed below. 

— Wording needs for any occassion.

— PDA needs. 

— Profile needs. 

— Premium apps. 

— Number for side account or move platform.

Agree or not? If you aren’t just jotted down the reason why. 

- i agree, balik lagi semua untuk keperluan agensi dan kenyamanan bersama. asalkan jelas tujuannya.

8. Tell us the reasons why we should accept you in our agency! And tell me your agency’s @ besides us, if you don’t have, just attach your introductions. 

Testimonial: any link or photo grid. (Just let it blank if you don’t have any)

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