

Herbert S.


Full Name : Herbert Salvador

Username : @Maschulino

Type of Relationships you provide, & Role : B×G, B×B, B×NB, Fams and Buddy Rent.

Present agencies (as talent/caretaker/owner, please mention it all) : @StreetGuard as a talent

Availabilities : (please make a list)

— Basic Request

— In Character (some idol/actor/Au)

— Stay Up Late 'till 00.00

— Public display affection (V/VIP only)

— Playing Instrument

— Movie date

— Food date

— Move Platform (WhatsApp)

— Post a picture activity

— Game date (on tele)


Important note : please answer these questions honestly, without exaggeration.

1. Please give us a brief description about yourself. [Your personalities in general, how you act in the terms of business, your most defined charm as a talent, also your strengths and weaknesses.]

— As u kno, I'm Herbert. Mengenai pros and cons, i think i have a lot of time to give affection to customer, in addition to interacting with other people, and spm, i can be professional and consistent at work. But sadly, sometimes I forget about something that may be important, but don't worry I've learned not to forget important things by setting a schedule and writing down all the important things to be done. I'm not a problematic person who likes to provoke conflict, and prefer to be silent when a problem occurs rather than just adding to it. I just focus on the obvious things I can do, when I feel I can't, then I will say no. if there is a problem I prefer to chat the admin personally rather than going through bots which sometimes take longer to respond

2. How do you manage to mingle with your surroundings? [Your way to socialize, how you adapt, etc.]

— Ditambah karena faktor tidak terlalu sibuk, saya dapat bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan kerja, bersosialisasi dengan para talent di grup, channel, dan lainnya. Even though I'm not easy at adjusting humor to others in interactions, I will still try to socialize with anyone. If I have internal or external problems, I certainly won't just choose steps to solve the problem, I will try to calm my mind first, and talk well to find a way out together. I dare say that I am not a person with a problematic nature because it can only trigger personal conflicts with others, I will try to socialize well and establish good friendships with each other.

3. Please elaborate your daily schedule from time to time. [Describe it in general, so we can have a rough picture of the things you do as your routine.]

— Honestly, i kinda sensitive to talk about my real life, but i'll try my best to tell you about my daily activities so you can have a rough pic of the things i do. In the morn, i go to college and attend classes, in the afternoon I'll rest and finish classes. In the evening I don't have much to do so I can maximize my work in the afternoon or evening. this depends on the circumstances, but usually like this.

4. How do you manage your time and set your priorities in your daily life? [Your way to stay focused and have a balanced schedule, etc.]

— I might prioritize my situation in reality, but if other things in the rent are more urgent than reality, I'll prioritize this over my real life. Then if I can't be active on telegram I'll permission first. Deciding which one to do first depends on my situation. Personally, saat ini saya tidak dalam situasi yang sibuk dan dapat bekerja dengan baik di dunia rental, mungkin di kedepannya saya akan disibukkan dengan beberapa tugas dan kegiatan lainnya. Namun sebelum itu, pastinya saya sudah membuat schedule khusus untuk mengatur waktu saya dengan lebih baik.

5. How do you deal with difficulties and problems related to this business world? [Your way to handle something, how you act in the middle of a problem, etc.]

— If agency has a problem, I'll stay calm, and find the source of the problem and maybe mediate to solve the problem. Nonetheless before that I will try to give advice to the admin how to solve this problem. But if i have the problem with someone in the agency, Just briefly i'll Trying to explain, listen to explanations, and sincerely apologize.

6. Can you convince us that you're trustworthy and capable to respect each other's privacy?

— I confidently to say that i can convince to be a trustworthy person and capable to respect other's privacy, they have the right and I have the duty to keep it a secret.

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