


Name & Username : Lucifer Earnest @Lueciferr.

Relationship & Position: Dominant.

Testimonial (Link Padlet or Channel) : Disini, baru sedikit karena gue newlife.

Main & Side Muse : Kim Mingyu & Jung Jaehyun, Lee Heeseung.

Minor/Legal/Major (Mention your age) : Major, 19.

Availability : Basic Request (Request Avatar/Muse, Bioghrapy, Display Name), Move Platform (WhatsApp), In Character (AU and send link first), Movie Date (Rave), Game Date (Plato & @. Gamee), Study Date (Shosum via chat only), Food Date (Bills on client), Pap Activity, Stay Up Late (until 01.00 WIB), OTP & Sleepcall (Muted), Deeptalk, Public Display Affection N/SFW, Dirty Talk, Imagine Bracket N/SFW, Literate N/SFW, (For NSFW thing, you must request avatar).

1. What are the reasons of your interest in joining SO5Track? For what reasons should we accept you as one of us? Explain with clearly words and concisely.

: Karena gue merasa gue bisa mengasah kemampuan gue di SO5Track dan bisa membawa nama baik SO5Track dengan kelebihan gue. Gue merasa solidaritas SO5Track ini udah keliatan dari admin sekaligus talent nya dan gue yakin gue juga punya kesempatan untuk mengembangkan solidaritas tersebut sebagai talent. Gue tertarik dan niat untuk menjadi salah satu orang yang bermanfaat di SO5Track.

Reason why you should choose me is because of my strengths, namely; Gue fastrespon baik di groupchat maupun roomchat karena emang gue ni major yang pengangguran. Banyak waktu luang di weekdays, jadi pastinya suka banget nimbrung di group talent. Gue anak nya hobby pacaran, jadi gue akan ngetreat client gue layak nya pacar gue sendiri. Gue bukan anti kritik dan gue suka terapin saran dari banyak orang. Gue anak nya suka kerja, suka ketemu sama orang dan pengalaman baru jadinya gue akan sangat amat enjoy dengan pekerjaan gue yang kasar nya gonta ganti pacar. Gue suka dan mampu ngetreat orang sesuai dengan kriteria yang mereka mau. Gue gak suka mencampurkan masalah pribadi dengan masalah kerjaan karena menurut gue profesional itu nomor satu. Gue juga punya kemampuan untuk tetap profesional dalam keadaan apapun. Mau gue badmood, lagi ada masalah, atau lagi ada kesibukan sekalipun, gue tetep mampu profesional dalam pekerjaan gue. Gue juga mampu mengubah kekurangan gue menjadi kelebihan.

2. How busy are you from the scale 1-10, please be honest because we avoid things we don't want. How do you manage your time so that you can maintain a balance between real life and this rent world.

: 2/10 for being busy and 8/10 for being active on Telegram. Gue major yang udah lulus tapi pengangguran, jadi waktu gue banyak di weekdays. On weekdays, i spend 90% of my time active on Telegram. But unfortunately, i'm a bit busy on weekends cuz that's the only time to be with my family. Di weekend, gue bisa banyak online di sore menuju malam.

3. Do you mind a 12-18% pay cut, depending on the income you have as a form of contribution to the agency. 12% discount starting from 10,000 IDR and below, 15% discount starting from 11,000-15,000 IDR and 18% discount starting from 20,000 IDR and above? If you mind, tell us.

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses in the rent world? How do you attract customer attention so they are could bring you format's rent.

5. What contribution you can offer to our agency if you got accepted as part of us. Will you do self promote with your Caretaker beside or not? What do you do if your co-worker has difficulty self-promoting. (Important point)

6. Will you mingle around with your co-workers and admins? What you gonna do if you found something strange or uncomfortable about us.

7. What happens if you get a complaint from the agency or customer? How do you deal with it? What if you get a customer who does not fit your criteria.

8. What do you do if you are found yourself have committed a mistake, whether it's small or big? What pinalty do you think you deserve to get.

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