



Full Name : Karl Van—Miles.

Username : @Gantenng

Type of Relationships you provide, & Role : BxG and BxB as Dominant.

Present agencies (as talent/caretaker/owner, please mention it all) : @cromurent as talent

Availabilities : (please make a list)

— Literate Imagine (N/SFW)

— Non-Literate Imagine (N/SFW)

— Dirty Talk

— Voice Note

— OTP Mute/Unmute

— Pap Activity

— Playing Instrument (Guitar Electric & Acoustic)

— Any Date (game, movie, art, food, drink, book, au)

— In Character

— Spotify Session

— Stay Up Late (until 2am)

— Move Platform (Twitter & Whatsapp)

1. Please give us a brief description about yourself. [Your personalities in general, how you act in the terms of business, your most defined charm as a talent, also your strengths and weaknesses.]

Answer: I'm a person who likes to mingle with others, I'm very easy to melt in. But sometimes it feels awkward, but I feel that I can handle it well. For my personality in the business realm, I'm a responsible person, if I make a mistake I'm always ready to bear it in any way that ends well. I always try to solve problems well. But for all my career in the rental world, I haven't received any complaints from my customers, cause I always try to do my best. My talents and skills in rental may be that I can attract customers quickly? You could say that, hopefully this skill can survive on me :]. My pros are that I can keep the name of the agency as well as possible, Fluent in English, I can keep secrets well and most importantly I'm very reliable. For cons, maybe I'll be a little awkward at the beginning of introductions with other talents, but I always try to adjust to the conditions.

2. How do you manage to mingle with your surroundings? [Your way to socialize, how you adapt, etc.]

Answer: For the first time, I will definitely introduce myself to my new pals, and I will try to enter the topic that's being discussed in the group. I also don't hesitate to mingle with others, usually I will be a little *jamet* when I first appear in the group and it really works in my personal life when I enter an agency or circle.

3. Please elaborate your daily schedule from time to time. [Describe it in general, so we can have a rough picture of the things you do as your routine.]

Answer: For now I don't have any activities in my real life, because I just graduated from school and I'm waiting for the university entrance test next year and preparing for the test. So for now my only daily activity is sleeping, and I'm used to waking up at 10am. But sometimes I will hang out with my friends, but not every day, just a few times a month.

4. How do you manage your time and set your priorities in your daily life? [Your way to stay focused and have a balanced schedule, etc.]

Answer: Because right now I don't have any activities so I just spend my time to sleeping, eating and the rest I spend with my customers. I'll just chit-chat with my customer all day long, and spend my time with them.

5. How do you deal with difficulties and problems related to this business world? [Your way to handle something, how you act in the middle of a problem, etc.]

Answer: I will definitely take a good middle ground, and I will direct the problems that occur to a good ending. If I'm wrong, I will definitely admit my mistake and I will definitely apologize and be responsible to all parties involved. If I feel I'm right, I will definitely defend myself with accurate evidence. And if I'm not involved in a problem, I will choose to be silent, because by being silent I will definitely not reproduce the problems that occur.

6. Can you convince us that you're trustworthy and capable to respect each other's privacy?

Answer: Of course, I can be trusted because I'm a good person *it's trueee* and I can respect others' privacy, and I believe that I can be trusted by everyone.

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