


You've traveled so much, you travel all the time. Top 3 cities where you would live?

I don't know, that's the problem. Right now there isnt't anyone city that is appealing (Привлекательный) enough to me to live in.

Yeah? What about San Francisco?

I'm spending plenty (много) of time here

Do you enjoy it?

Parts of it (Частично). It's gotten a little tougher. (Тут всё стало намного сложнее)

Yeah, I understand.

But I don't think I have city I am drawn to (город в который меня бы тянуло) yet

What is the skill that every successful entrepreneur you think has that you worked with?

I think if you look at the most successful entrepreneurs they probably have the few things in common. The first is that they are basically (в основном) unemployable ( нетрудоспособны - но тут имеется ввиду, не могут работать на дядю)

That's a good one 

Because they are all talented driven (trying extremely hard to achieve what you want) smart people and if they were employable they would go to work at Google or Facebook or Apple. You know, they pay you a lot of money and the jobs are pretty easy you can do well. You have to really be someone who doesn't deal well with hierarchy, and authority (власть), and reality to do what we do, so I would say (Я бы сказал) that is the thing I look for the most in sort of that, visionary (мечтатель) who is trying to change the universe (вселенная) and just sounds insane (безумно)

What is the most promising market you think right now for startups to look at?

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