320east GmBH

Do you think you are the right candidate for this position? why do you want to work in this company?

Well, is not an simple question. But .. I think I posses a good combination of skills and expierience that could be usfuel for what you requiered.

For me, when I saw the job offer, I took it as an opportunnity. I mean, when you decided to start somenthing you new, it is an open door to learn. ecause every new challenge, even if you have the knoledge or the experience that applies, it is a big gate to learn.. to proof what u know, to learn about your misteakes and to strengthen your weaknesses.

I really like what I do, and I believe I could learn even more here. When I saw the job offer, I said to myself "opss, It could work, sounds so interesting what they do....

How do you manage failures?

I always say that it dependes what your concept of "failure" . I mean I make a difference between failure ( a result that doesn't approach with your goal) and mistake (smth tha you repeat constantly, when you should already ke. But in both cases I try to analyse the results and recover or finde a solutions as fasta as I can.

your biggest failure:

My frustrated carrear as a sing.. Once I aplly for a pop snger competition...I was selected for the fist audition among many people..

int he second level the didnt trust in me -..

but in the end it was know that everything was previously arranged .. ajjaja


  • Adaptability , and to be prepare for changes.
  • Open minded. To be honest, I have studied Political Science. This a discipline which is full of IDEAS. YOu learn how to deal wiht differnt point of views. you develop acceptance, respect, tolerance..
  • Aristoltele once said: An educated mind is able to understand a thought without accepting it. Of course I dont agree with everything, but I try to show my opinion in a polite way.
  • Weak: When I have the feeling, that am wasting my time.

How your family sees you?

well, I never ask them. I suppouse...what the think because of what they comment inthe family meeting..every year

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