

Jerome, A.


• Full name and your username: Jerome Auclair. 

• Your relationship and role: BxG & BxB relationship as Dominant. 

• Main avatar and side avatar: Juyeon The Boyz (Main avatar) & Keeho (P1Harmony), Heeseung (Enhypen). 

• Your testimonial: — 

• Any joining the agency? [Please mention with your position, be honest]: I haven’t joining any agency yet and took the opportunity at @MorceauPress agency. 

• Your age: Legal 19+. 

• Drop your biography of talent and availability:


— English Version.

I. What made you interested in joining Morceaupress? And why should we choose you to be a talent at MorceauPress? [Describe in detail what your goals and why you're interested, not just for good set-up, ya.]

I. Although dipertanyaan tertulis why you’re interested and not just for good set-up. But, I must point out that you guys really have a good set-up, it was very clean, sharp, and warming, mulai dari intro, guidlines, sampai akhir set-up semuanya rapi, banget, just the way I like it. But the other reason why MorceauPress should choose me as a talent of MorceauPress is something entirely differently. Pertama, I’m a newcomer talent di sini and I want to try my luck as a talent. I see this opportunity and confident if joining MorceauPress will expose me to diverse experiences. And gain my knowledge in this rental world.

II. Give a brief description of yourself. [Starting from personality, pros and cons as well as how you blend in the rental work environment. Nothing is reduced and exaggerated.]

II. I'm good at learning quickly, handling different situations, and talking well with others. I can work alone or with a team, and people trust me to keep my promises.

I'd use my talking skills to talk to clients and understand what they need. I'd also use my thinking skills to help them pick the best options.

I'm usually easygoing, playful, and fun. Even though I'm serious and good at my job, I also like to have fun. I think I'd fit in well at work.

Sometimes, I act too quickly without thinking things through. But I'm always trying to get better and be my best self.

III. What contribution will you bring to the Morceaupress if you are accepted as a talent here? [Mention what you will do later, give your creative idea as talent in agency.]

III. I aim to contribute creatively to the agency and collaborate effectively to boost and increase the engagement dengan proactively self promoting myself dan helping other talents di base juga kalau diperbolehkan mau ngajak subscribers-nya MorceauPress buat main bareng kaya isi board atau tebak-tebak berhadiah walaupun hadiahnya cuman ucapan selamat dan doa baik (jokingly).

IV. How busy are you, on a scale of 1-100? And how do you balance your time between real-life and rental world? At the same time, please describe what you have been busy with lately if you don't mind, because that will also help us.

IV. Let's say a 50 on the busy scale. Kalau bisa dibilang saya termasuk fleksibel soal waktu saya antara real life dan rental, berhubung saya kerja on weekdays saya mulai lakuin aktivitas di real life itu dari jam 8 pagi sampai 4 pagi tapi masih bisa diselingi dengan kegiatan di rental kecuali ada priority task yang sifatnya urgensi dan penting. And I try to be as punctual as possible, and I am always willing to set boundaries and enforce them for the sake of my own well-being.

V. Can you protect the privacy of yourself, your friends and customers that you handle as talent at MorceauPress? 

V. I understand how important it is to keep my clients trust and privacy safe. I take this responsibility seriously and always follow privacy laws. I promise to act ethically and professionally, and I'm careful to protect privacy, whether it's mine, my friends, or customers. I want everyone to trust me as a talent at Morceaupress.

VI. If you make some mistake in agency and also outside the agency which concerns the good name of the agency, are you ready to accept all the consequences that are patented at MorceauPress? If not, what will you do? And provide that one consequence, explain in detail.

VI. If I were make a mistake dan membawa nama agensi dan membawa reputasi buruk ke agensi, then I’m fully committed to accepting all the consequences. A disciplinary actions such as a formal warnings to termination depends on the mistake that I make. And willing to acknowledge my responsibility on this regard. Dan juga merenungkan kesalahan yang saya perbuat pada saat membawa nama agensi and reflect on myself. Also, I will take this problems as a chance to grow and up my performance and can handle to tackle this similar situation like a talent will do. I’m a bit confident I’ve got what it takes to handle whatever’s comes my way.

VII. If the reality at MorceauPress doesn't meet your expectations, how would you respond? Will you remain committed? And, what are your expectations regarding long-term commitment to MorceauPress?

VII. If MorceauPress isn't meeting my expectations, I'll discuss problems with the team to solve them. I'm dedicated to working hard and supporting the team's success. Ultimately, I aim to grow, learn, and have a positive influence at MorceauPress in the future.

VIII. Are there you have any final questions or considerations you would like to share with us? Are you confident?

VIII. No, I don’t have any final questions or considerations that I would like to share at this time. And, Yes, I’m confident in my abilities and preparedness for this.

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