

간 미란

1: Hello Bestie. I have a few questions about your hobby

2:Of course, I'm ready for answer your questions

1: My first question is what is your hobby

2: My hobby is writing fanfic

1: Mmm what is fanfic

2: Fanfic means ''fan fiction'' where you imagine one event and include you favourite actor or character and you write down on paper and it's called ''fanfic''

1: ok, when you start writing fanfic and how are you feeling when you write fanfic?

2: I started writing fanfic 2years ago, the reason I love fanfic is because I write thing and feeling that I haven't told anyone in fanfics. When I'm writing fanfic I feel free like I'm in another world.

1: where do you get ideas from?

2: I get ideas from life, life events

1: Are you glad with yourself?

2: yes, I enjoy writing fanfic

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