

Alexander Korotin

Julia, sorry, I'm not really well in English. So if I'll have a problem to understand you I ask you to switch from English to Russian.

  1. I'm Alexander, I'm 28. I live in Moscow, in the small flat of multistory house. Recently, I understood that it is necessary for me start learning English. My boss told me a story about future perspective to integrate our current project with international partner team. Oh, sorry, I've not told you about my work yet. I work in medium Russian bank. I'am an IT engeneer and specialized on IT Systems of CRM class. As a rule it is some kind of front office systems that allow end users get information more than dozens of back office Bank Systems. So the main goal of my job is developing the functionality of this System.
  2. So, the first reason start learning English is a wish to partake in international project. The second one is the travell experience. Usually I go abroad twice a year and there are many confusing situations when you need to talk with foreigners. So I'd like feeling much more confidently when I talk with foreigners in English.


Education program

  1. Can you tell me a few words about your teaching experience?
  2. What kind of program can you offer me? May be I need to pass some tests to define my current level of knowledge?
  3. Can you describe me some examples with lesson agenda?
  4. What kind of materials do you use in your lessons?
  5. And what about homework? Do you check homework between the classes?

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