

nareola, houryiel.


Name : nareola houryiel.

Username : @cinderaace.

Capabilities : basic request (profile picture, display name, criteria), on the phone (mute), pap activity (without face), movie date (rave, loklok, netflix), game date (mobile legends, plato and @.gamee), food date (bills on customers), study date (only chat), in character (idol, anime manga, au, game, ex, crush, bf, vtuber and others), sposess, stay up late (ask first), public display affection (vip and vvip), move platforms (whatsapp and discord), playing instrumental (acoustic guitar), reading date (webtoon and alternative universe), writing date, deep talk, dirty talk (bilingual only).

1. Apa motivasi anda untuk menjadi talent di @rachainyou? dan apakah anda bisa memberikan ide jika sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan?

: the reason behind my desire to join is to expand my social circle and enhance my interpersonal abilities. by virtue of my inherently amiable disposition, i possess the ability to readily adapt to new social dynamics, making me an ideal companion for all members within a group setting.

2. Apa pendapatmu tentang privasi grup? Bagaimana cara kamu untuk menjaga privasi grup tersebut?

: i consistently prioritise the well-being of the individuals i hold dear, while also possessing a strong inclination towards self-reliance and a propensity for analytical thinking. if the conversation is confidential, then i’ll keep the secret as secret as possible and not tell anyone. if i were to breach any rules, please feel free to remove me from the group and administer appropriate disciplinary action.

3. Bagaimana cara anda berbaur dengan talent lain dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru dan caretaker di agensi ini?

: the key strategy is to take the initiative and initiate the conversation by introducing a humorous remark. i’ll bring some excitement to the group by initiating a conversation and finding a topic that interests everyone.

4. Jika anda mendapat kritik pada saat masa rent dan anda mendapat teguran dari agensi. Bagaimana sikap anda terhadap customer tersebut? atau bahkan menerima confess.

: all i know is that clients are the responsibility of every talent who has received the format, so i have prepared my best response in case i am faced with such a situation. im not going to be aggressive in dealing with clients and I never expect clients. so, i will do what i should do by being professional and responding as well as a responsible attitude. if i still agree to the situation, considering the convo killer customer i will adjust myself as well as possible, and i know my capacity until i can no longer feel resistant to the client's actions. however, i will remain a professional until the end by explaining to the caretaker or owner that i feel less capable in handling this, so i will still maintain the good name of the agency and my professionalism.

5. Sebutkan kesibukan anda saat ini dan jam online anda disetiap harinya!

: actually, this shouldn't be my busy time. my busyness scale is now at 5/10, but that doesn't matter to me, i will remain a professional person.

6. Dari 1-100%, seberapa aktifkah anda dalam mempromosikan agensi dan diri anda sendiri? Dapatkan kamu menjaga nama baik anda dan agensi? Jika iya, bagaimana caranya?

: i can contribute to whatever the agency needs, concurrently my job either as a talent or support system for the agency itself. as the person who oversees the agency, of course there will be pride in me to introduce the agency i am sheltering. although i cant freely use my phone for 24 hours, i am a professional person to adjust the time and work that has become my responsibility. the way i contribute to the agency is by self-promoting as the responsibility of the talent, and i can do more things like participate in events, invite people to have fun with the agency i host. therefore, there is no hesitation in making me miss because I can adjust well even in difficult things.

7. Apakah anda bersedia untuk mematuhi setiap peraturan dan ketentuan agensi, juga berlaku profesional, tidak melakukan hal kecurangan dan yang merugikan dalam bekerja sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada?

: of course before i decided myself to enter here, i had measured my capacity and i was able to do everything written in this question. i am able to enliven or follow all the rules that have been written and I can become a responsible talent with basic obligations such as the best self-service to prospective customers. i will be able to participate in every event that is within this agency, i will sink myself more by making pleasant conversations between agency mates, i feel that before i step into answering this question, i already know the responsibility. i really appreciate what has been there, i promise.

8. Apa yang membuat anda percaya diri dan tidak percaya diri saat anda menjadi talent?

— pros: i consistently prioritise the well-being of the individuals i hold dear, while also possessing a strong inclination towards self-reliance and a propensity for analytical thinking.

— cons: i find it challenging to articulate and convey my emotions effectively. i tend to exhibit a level of rudeness and harshness that can be likened to childlike behaviour.

9. Berikan alasan mengapa kami harus menerima anda menjadi bagian dari kami! Anda boleh mengekspesikan diri (promosi diri) secara bebas kepada kami.

: to be honest, im a little stiff enough to mention my characteristics clearly. however, i claim to be someone who is noted "silly guy". i enjoy playing games with my friends, im a sociable person and high end of responsibility. i adjusted the atmosphere in each room, making my character someone who responded well to each character. i easily interact with my jailed personal brand, but even so I'm a rule-abiding person. i am a person who adapts myself to every situation and who i deal with, i can be a funny person, a joker-like person, but i can be a serious person and yes people can be considered mature in handling serious situations. as much as possible, i will behave very well in a fun way but still have my own boundaries.

10. Potongan agensi adalah 15%, sudah termasuk benefit berupa Profneeds, PDA needs dan Apk premium. Apakah kamu keberatan dengan itu?

: absolutely not, i'd happy to do that actually.

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa data diri yang saya isi merupakan jawaban yang sebenar-benarnya. Jika saya melakukan kecurangan dalam pengisian wawancara ini saya siap menerima semua konsekuensinya.

Be happy, guys.

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