

Gleb Khorunzhiy, product designer

About myself

I started my education in arts. I graduated from Art School, two years I learned in Architecture Academy. Then I started to collecting the experience in real design projects. In 2012 i had switched to web based projects, and i’ve been doing it so far. 

Now I’m focusing on inspecting methods of designing user interfaces, user researching instruments, and user tests.

Skills, strengths and weaknesses

My strengths are:

  • fast learning;
  • agile;
  • independent;
  • fair and loyal.

My weaknesses are:

  • I can’t do the work if i don’t understand any sense of it;
  • I’m vary fair, that’s means I won’t do something that will harm or deceive other people;
  • my english needs improvement, but i continue learning.

Also, I feel comfortable with complicated tasks. I can work efficiently both alone and with the team. I experienced with bunch of design apps and instruments.

Career goals & future plans

I would like to gain more experience. Experience is never enough.
I would like to make things thats a lot of people can use and feel better. 

I’m interesting to communicate with different people and to do international projects.

I want to learn how to lead a small team. 
I want to wright articles about my work. 

Finally, would like to move to another country to improve my skills.

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