

What is the essence of the project?

This is the verification of facts, events and identity of people. A very necessary and fashionable feature in the west. This is an opportunity to earn on: • testing (tokens) • exucution of tasks from people, companies and state bodies, where someone should check for compliance with their documents and person.

Now the third stage of testing is in progress.

Bug price — 20-30 $:

1) For a suggestion to improve the interface, you will receive $ 10; 

2) For the found bug - $ 20; 

3) For a serious error (which hinders the work of the application) - $ 30; 

What if you are a beginner?

Correctly, attentively read the instructions!


Step 1: Add yourself to the table.

Step 2: Fill in all the fields in the "testers" tab

Step 3: Register on the site

Step 4: If your device is on Android, then download the latest current version of the application here.

Step 4.5: And if you are the owner of the Apple device, then go into the tab "Invitation for iOS" and be sure to leave your mail from iCloud. At the address you will receive a letter with an invitation to test.

IMPORTANT: For you to receive the invitation as soon as possible, write to the chat: "@Asenok, send, please, an invitation, my mail: and specify here the address of your mail from iCloud"

Further: • Install TestFlight from the AppStore • Click on the "Redeem" button, paste the code from the letter

Step 5: Register in the Verifier application IMPORTANT: for registration use the mail from the personal office of

Step 6: Write in the chat: "@ maximillllian / @ bigsparrow / @ LikhachevD, give the verification task, my details: country, city, street, house".

IMPORTANT: specify the address where there is a good stable connection, and you will be able to complete the tasks accurately.

If nobody of @maximillllian/@bigsparrow/@LikhachevD for a long time does not answer, you can send a message to the chat again. Any tester that is online will respond to this request.

Step 7: In the application you will get the task, it needs to be taken "into work" and then executed. As the first assignment, you need to make a photo with a passport or driver's license or passport in open form. The series and passport number of the country in which you live can be closed.

Step 8: Go to the third tab of the table "sites & tasks" and come up with your task, if you are the first verifier in your village. If not, write to the chat and ask to create a task.

Step 9: Well, then, use the application, create and execute tasks, intentionally look for shortcomings and bugs, in a one word - do test. "Android: Tests and Errors" or "iOS: Tests and Errors".

IMPORTANT: How to correctly add a bug? Before you write a couple of suggestions about the bug, ask yourself 3 questions: 1) what? (Example: no text is entered) 2) where? (Example: in the feedback section) 3) when/under what conditions? (Example: when I choose Russian instead of English)

and briefly answer them in describing your bug.

Congratulations, now you can get your reward.

This form of filling the "Description BUG" column avoids duplication and helps builders to check the contents of the table faster and fix bugs.

If you have any questions, we will gladly answer them in our chat room!


In the table there is a tab "HELP TO THE VERIFIER". Everyone who helps the project will be additionally rewarded.

More information about the updates, you can get in the fixed chat message in the "NEWS" section.

After testing, all participants will receive their buns! :)

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