Innovative use of sand

Innovative use of sand


Sand is widely used in construction. Few people know that this loose substance is also used in psychology, medicine, art and decor, landscape design. Everything seems to be clear about using sand in art — making sculptures, sand art and decor etc. But as for medicine and psychology — that’s the subject of interest.


Sand art therapy is commonly applied in psychology. Professional psychologists, just like the founder of this concept, Dora Kalf, believe that with the help of sand created paintings and sand crafts, all the hidden problems of personality are clearly revealed. The patient unconsciously transfers the internal conflict to the visual plane during the sand art therapy session. A lot of things can be used in this method: dolls filled with sand, pictures created with coloured sand and even the whole installations where the sand base plays the role of a landscape where the events invented by the patient will be unfolding.


Did you know that psammo therapy (hot sand treatment) has been popular for about five years in the resorts of India and Brazil? The sand is 50 degrees heated and the patient is immersed into this hot sandy mass.

Psammo therapy method helps:

  • to improve patient’s joint condition,
  • lose weight,
  • get rid of allergic reactions,
  • normalize metabolism,
  • prevent the damage of peripheral nerves.

As the sand is rather hot, patient’s sweat releases carbon dioxide and makes the procedure with carbon dioxide much more useful.

Thus, we see that sand can be used productively not only in the usual sphere of construction. This material also gives us health benefits and successfully develops our creative potential.

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