

Ferenc Tálosi

He/She sits for 14 years in the gateway,in front of a window.They just ask 2 questions from him:-Where are the Montex's offices?

He/She say:In the first floor to the left.

The second question:Where can I find the Ruggyanta waste treatment plant?

He/She answers:Second floor to the right and the second door.

He/She never failed for 14 years, everybody got the right direction.

Once happened,that a women went to the window and she asked one of the usual questions:Where is the Montex,please?

As a result he/she looked far away and he/she said:Every one of us comes from nothingness,and we come back to the fucking nothing. The lady complained.The complain has been investigated,it has been discussed,and it had been forgotten.

Really, it isn't a big deal.

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