

Bhargav Gajare


  1. Encrypted Build
  2. New Device Specific Sources
  3. Clean Flash Only


  1. Rebased to new device sources
  2. Default Kernel is WESTCOAST SUPERFAST EAS+ NEW BASE (No change in kernel from now. You can still change kernel if you want)
  3. Kernel Upstreamed to Linux Stable 4.4.261
  4. Fixed low Geekbench Scores
  5. Using AOSP Surfaceflinger, smoothness should be improved now
  6. Switched to AIDL Powerhal
  7. Skipped LLD
  8. Added DTS Eagle Audio (Kernel Side)
  9. Implemented 24-bit Audio (Kernel Side)


  1. Testers
  2. Clarence for Low Geekbench Scores fix
  3. Anush Madathumkara for Kernel Source

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