

Ezra Enfiler

To Whom It May Concern,

I, Erza Enfiler, am composing this communication to unequivocally assert my commitment to ethical conduct and adherence to the legal framework governing online activities. In the digital realm, I affirm that I do not partake in any illicit involvement, including but not limited to, joining or participating in any Telegram channels that advocate or engage in piracy.

As a responsible and law-abiding individual, I recognize the importance of upholding the principles that govern our online interactions. I am cognizant of the potential consequences associated with unlawful activities, particularly those related to copyright infringement and piracy. It is my firm belief that a responsible and respectful online presence is crucial not only for personal integrity but also for contributing positively to the broader digital community.

I want to make it abundantly clear that my online engagement is conducted within the bounds of legal and ethical norms. I am dedicated to respecting intellectual property rights, fostering a safe digital environment, and eschewing any involvement in activities that contravene legal standards.

This declaration serves as a testament to my commitment to maintaining a pristine online reputation and conducting myself in a manner consistent with the highest standards of integrity. I appreciate your attention to this matter and am open to any further inquiries or clarifications to reinforce the sincerity of my stance.


Erza Enfiler

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