India's Blockchain Revolution Goes Beyond Banks Into Land Records And Private Firms

India's Blockchain Revolution Goes Beyond Banks Into Land Records And Private Firms

Smart Planet

Legal experts in India believe the country's real estate industry could radically transform if blockchain was used to document land record transactions. (Photo Credit: PRAKASH SINGH/AFP/Getty Images)

With digital adoption gaining traction in India, blockchain technology has caught the fancy of many. While blockchain technology continues to see sustained support from Indian banks, state governments and private companies are increasingly exploring blockchain for improved governance, enhancing efficiency of business processes, and ensuring transparency.

Blockchain technology began gaining prominence in the country following the emergence of bitcoin. While the legality and veracity of cryptocurrencies is being debated in India, technology companies have begun shifting focus to the utility of blockchain technology. Specifically, Indian banks have been experimenting with blockchain technology by developing in-house Proof-of-Concept projects. According to a PwC report, 56% of Indian businesses are inclined to make blockchain a part of their core business, and three key areas that the technology will impact are payments and funds transfer infrastructure, digital identity management and post-trade settlements.

Not just for banks

However, the allure of a distributed ledger system is extending well beyond the financial services sector. Specifically, the implementation of blockchain in property transactions would be revolutionary in India. Land titles in India do not guarantee an owner his complete rights. Moreover, property transactions are done on paper and not updated very often, leading to innumerable property disputes. According to a paper published by PRS Legislative Research, the pace of bringing land records online has been slow, and a move towards conclusive land titling has been proposed, which involves migrating to an organized, perhaps digitized method, of chronicling land records in India.

This is where blockchain technology could play a definitive role, legal experts believe. Rahul Matthan, partner at Trilegal, one of India's largest law firms that services multiple industries including banking and real estate, says, “Land records, like any other registry in India, are centralized and maintained in the office of the sub-registrar. It is possible that the contents of these papers could be altered or tampered. If land documents are stored on a distributed ledger, it will be impossible to tamper with them.”

While the Indian government has renewed its interest in digitizing land records through the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), the implementation of a distributed ledger first to digitize existing land records and set the precedent for future transactions ensures a legitimate, government-approved record of transactions.

Matthan says, “The opportunity to build a layer of technology on top of an existing registry is immense. It allows one to perform tasks like audits with ease and speed. Since personal data can be encrypted, the identity of the buyer or the seller can be kept confidential. The future of property transactions lies in smart contracts, which are automated and don’t require an intermediary.”

Andhra Pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu is spearheading blockchain trials in his state and has already initiated pilot projects in the transport and land registry departments. (Photo Credit: MONEY SHARMA/AFP/Getty Images)

The use of blockchain for land dealings ties into the larger mandate of e-governance in India. While many state governments are exploring the usage of the technology, Andhra Pradesh is leading the way by conducting trials within its departments. The state is working with startups such as Snapper Technologies and SimplyFy to implement blockchain across administrative processes. Earlier this year, Swiss startup WISEKey collaborated with the government of Andhra Pradesh to explore blockchain Proof of Concepts. The state has already implemented blockchain pilot projects in the departments of land records and transport. J A Chaudhry, advisor of information technology to the state of Andhra Pradesh said, “Cybersecurity is a top priority, especially since the government is adopting digital platforms rapidly. Blockchain technology is the only trust protocol that guarantees safety of all digital and financial assets. By implementing blockchain across the government, we can secure the integrity of Prime Minister Modi's Digital India initiative.”

Chaudhry added that the Andhra Pradesh government is working towards integrating its own e-governance program and securing its assets on blockchain by the end of 2019.

Spreading like wildfire

Meanwhile, the blockchain bug has bitten private major Indian companies as well, which are experimenting with PoCs that can replace outdated business processes, save time and operational costs.

Indian conglomerate Mahindra Group and IBM developed a blockchain solution in 2016 to reinvent supply chain finance across the Mahindra chain in India. At a conference, Sankarson Banerjee, chief technology officer of India’s National Stock Exchange, said that the organization was seeing immense value in using distributed ledger technologies to lower operational costs. YES Bank, one of the country’s largest private sector banks, said that they have implemented a multi-nodal blockchain transaction to digitize vendor financing for Bajaj Electricals, based on a smart contract written by fintech startup Cateina Technologies. Shekhar Bajaj, CMD of Bajaj Electricals, said,The blockchain solution by YES BANK enables us to do timely processing of the vendor payment through vendor financing from the bank without physical documents and manual intervention. It also enables us and our vendor to track the status of the transactions in real time.”

One of the biggest hurdles in development of blockchain is scalability, according to Karthik Iyer, founder of Blockchain Monk, which provides solutions and training for senior management and developers on blockchain. “Blockchain has moved from being a hyped-up technology concept to a value-add in business. Moreover, blockchain can help India attract foreign capital too. The technology development is still in its nascent stages in India, but it can be scaled to suit the needs of large businesses and government processes.”

The recent launch of the Blockchain Foundation of India (BFI) reiterates the belief that blockchain is here to stay. BFI aims to promote blockchain initiatives in India, build a community and promote startups to scale the technology for different businesses.

The country’s penchant for a digital revolution has permeated to the core of the economy. With the government throwing its weight behind such experimental technology, there is scope for it to become mainstream very soon.


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