

I'm a rant, both for swearing and joking. This channel is also adult-themed, I often discuss adult things that should not be discussed, seen, or practiced by minorities, therefore I pinned that I am one of the MDNI users. I also have bad grammar and use capslock without warning.

I. DO NOT INTERACT / if you are a minority, it is strictly forbidden to approach, much less join my channel. racist people, no respect for other people, grammar police, hate the muse I use, archive my channel, never dive, don't give proper feedback and other basic detrimental things.

II. All the media that I use for this channel are from social media such as Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, Telegram, Instagram, and other social media that I cannot mention one by one.

III. For plagiarists, please stay away, inspo is prohibited, let alone copying. use your common sense, smart and creative, I hope you will receive karma if you do that bad thing, not only on my channel but also for all channels.

maybe that's all I can say in my disclaimer for this channel, I hope you can understand and accept it, if not please leave my channel. Once again thank you very much for those of you who have taken the time to read my disclaimer, have a nice day.

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