

Sur « Michel »

Il ressemble à Bill Gates :

Le covid-19 n'est que la répétition du sars de 2003, laquelle crise leur permis de liquider déjà des personnes âgées, au Canada, par excemple :

Un avocat allemand se bat pour nous contre les criminels :

En plus récent :

Celui du fondateur de la chaîne d'infos alternative The UK Column (

Mes notes avant que je ne découvris que la retranscription avait été mise sur Internet par Brian Gerrish lui-même :

Gerrish Mindspace

8m         panic paper in Germany

15m        confusion stress RETRANSCRIBE

23-27m     Gerrish  flurry of docs about a coming pandemic in the UK

 => [Gerrish] the seeding of the idea of a coming pandemic [aussi connu aux États-Unis sous l'appellation de predictive programming]

31m        Fuellmich incident in Wuhan, which set the pre-planned process to roll

41m45s     Gerrish 859 000 adverse reactions in the UK

44m        Viviane Fischer thinks that they are rushing it through (younger ones) before the side-effects become obvious

56m  SEPI funded by Bill Gates

1h02   Viviane Fischer asks whether it could have been organised from the UK

Évidemment, j'aurais préféré un ou des noms ici, mais Gerrish ne s'attaque jamais à un certain groupe directement :


So, for me, it’s very easy to say that if you want to start working out who is doing this, then you have to look at who is actually controlling the sums of money.


because whatever else these people do, they are constantly pitting [METTRE L'un CONTRE l'AUTRE] nations against nations. If we get a little bit broader and we look back at the wars and the trouble, it was this type of people that caused


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Retransription [lien TOUT EN BAS] :


Brian Gerrish's testimony to Reiner Füllmich: Our oppressors are very frightened people


Brian Gerrish

Saturday, 29th May 2021

On 28 May 2021, I gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally.

The theme for the day during the 54th session was “Caught between nudging and side effects”. A transcript of my testimony is below.

Auch auf Deutsch erhältlich.


Film que j'ai visionnée le 30-3-2021

CORONA.FILM - Prologue - Mar 26, 2021 Deutsch/English

First published at 21:24 UTC on March 23rd, 2021.



On 25 March 2021, the video platform 'Vimeo' deleted OVALmedia's new documentary film "CORONA.FILM - Prologue" without warning. The film, which is considered by leading epidemiologists to be one of the best cinematic reappraisals of the current corona crisis, is thus no longer available to many paying customers. It remains an open question whether the film was deleted despite its previous success, or precisely because of it. What is certain is that more than 100 videos from OVALmedia have also been taken off the internet along with it. The entire Vimeo channel, which OVALmedia has been operating for 10 years, was also shut down without warning.

In the face of this unprecedented attack on the existence of our company, we have decided to act. Today, the film "CORONA.FILM - Prologue" is made available

[notes:  30-3-2021]

17m mélange des patients [comme aux États-Unis, bizarre ; on pourrait croire que cela fut INTENTIONNEL]

30min Paul McKeigue Prof. of Genetic Epidemiology at the Uni of Edinburgh

31 Engel = J surname The Netherlands

   Engel 33m30 hypnosis

45m conflit d'intérêts : Christian Drosten, Charité Berlin, PCR text Olfert Landt, co-author, founder and director of TIB Molbiol,

   which produces test in very large quantities and sells them all over the world.

   partnership as with SARS 2003, MERS 2012, mutations swine or bird flu

Drosten's alarmist viral load paper co-authored with Olfert Landt

      Koch Intstitue/PCR

[test not sufficiently specific]

52m trauma pr enfants, culpabilisation si grands-parents tombent malades

1h01 underfunding of public hospitals in Germany too.

1h03 cracking down on dissent

1h07 not a single case of infection tracked down to demo in Vienna (contact tracing)

retranscrire 1h13m -30s   

1h15m les vraies questions sont posées pour le second volet.

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