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πŸ”» A shocking decision from the Assad regime of the Iranian militias and Hezbollah in Syria

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"The Assad regime" issued a decree to trim the nails of the Iranian militias and Hezbollah in Syria, after the recent demands from Russia to remove foreign troops from the country.

"The commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Major General Ahmad Balul has issued a decision in the last few days to prevent the use of aircraft hangars at airports by Iranian militia elements and Hezbollah fighters to avoid their exposure," the Syrian opposition website quoted one of its sources as saying. To be targeted by Israeli warplanes and to retain their use by the air force elements of the regime. "

The decision of "Ballol" - according to the time of the link - following the recent air strike carried out by the Israeli army against Dabaa airport in the countryside of Homs, where the "Hngerat" on both sides of the head of the western crescent of the north and south at the airport.

He pointed out that the Iranian militias used "hangers" in the storage of ammunition and the establishment of workshops and manufacturing of their own, in addition to the establishment of militia elements in them.

The site said that the decision to "Bulol" reference to the start of the regime to ask Iran to close its headquarters in some sensitive military sites, such as airports as a first step to ask the Iranian forces and militias to leave Syria later, in fulfillment of the demands of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Bashar Assad.

The Russian president summoned Bashar al-Assad to "Sochi" a few days ago and asked him to remove foreign troops from Syria in reference to the militias of Iran and "Hezbollah".

Israel has launched an intensive air campaign for several months on the positions of the Iranian forces and "Hezbollah" stationed at the military airports of the regime forces and concentrated in the vicinity of Damascus and the countryside of Homs and Hama and Daraa and the countryside of Aleppo; and resulted in the deaths and injuries in their ranks

Al-Hamam Center

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