Panglima Tiangfeng

IDM - Ultra-secure digital data storage service

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IDM (Ideal Data Memory) offers a unique cloud service for data storage and transfer, based entirely on the new technology. The revolutionary technology for processing, protection, and transfer of data utilizes fundamentally new principles never applied in the IT industry and enables our service to have following distinct advantages

  • Highest level of data protection – the absolute cypher, the “one-time pad” principle and the post-quantum level of protection; 
  • Inability to create “backdoor” - the working principle of the system does not permit creation of a functional backdoor; 
  • The system configuration does not permit a successful (MiTM) hacker attack; 
  • Inability to collect metadata - all metadata is generated and stored only on users' computers and is never transmitted over the Internet; 
  • The service does not operate via DNS servers; all IDM activity is anonymous; 
  • A fully protected personal communication channel based on our own technology;

IDM has its own patented data protection technology called SIZE and is preparing to launch a new service - a global decentralized ecosystem that connects users who want to store information safely and miners who provide memory on their devices to generate income

Architecture of IDM

Our development team has created a working prototype of a cloud storage service called BoobookBox. The service was launched in 2015 and has more than 2 thousand active users. The working prototype was launched to test the technology, both by developers and third-party organizations

  • IDM can successfully compete with all cloud data storage services, as it offers following exclusive features:The most safe and secure data storage system and data transmission
  • Affordable price
  • The only player on the market offering this level of data protection
  • Savvy marketing strategy
  • Legal guarantee on data security

IDM focuses on strictly defined segments of the consumer and business market, and takes advantage of a competitive market opportunity, namely the demand for secure data storage.

The SIZE algorithm

Our patented algorithm SIZE supports an excellent protection of a file from loss (corruption) and can guarantee a file recovery from only 2% of the remaining data.

SIZE technology provides the highest level of privacy and confidentiality in the storage and transmission of information. In this technology, to protect information mathematical algorithms are used which are known in digital electronics. However, these operations have never been combined to special algorithms in special order of mathematical actions ever before and have never been used for the protection of the information.

Advantages of SIZE technology


Term Safety stands for the ability to restore the data in the event of damage or failures of storage sites.


The security of data storage stands for a protection from unauthorized access. Without the authorization, no persons, either employees of storage providing companies, or governmental or non-governmental organizations should be able to access the stored information. The security is usually achieved by encrypting the stored information with special encryption programs.

III. Data Governance

Data governance is a specific process ensuring an availability of high-quality data throughout its life cycle. The main areas of data governance include accessibility, ease of use, integrity, and safety. This involves establishing processes to ensure the formal management of important data assets by the owner. The purpose of data governance is to utilize and refine processes of prevention and fixing of various data-related issues to improve the quality of information available for use during the decision-making processes.

IV. Scalability

The similar dependence on the level of splitting is also characterizing the storage security. With scaling up of a storage space, the parameters of SIZE technology will improve significantly.


Primary benefits:

~ highest quality of service;

~ solving data safety problem;

~ certainty of absolute data protection

Main service:

~ Protected cloud data storage.

Expected service:

~ complete security of stored and transmitted data;

~ fast, 24-hour data access.

Additional service (mining):

~ renting from miners free memory in smartphones, memory cards, hard disks, gaming consoles, etc.; 

External evidence of service quality:

~ website quality; 

~ transparency of service; 

~ explained technology; 

~ level of personnel training; 

~ pricing.

IDM - the next generation cloud storage service

~ The service is designed especially for people who value safety and privacy;

~ provides for a high-quality secured data storage service;

~ Highest level of data protection – the absolute cypher, the “one-time pad” principle and the post-quantum level of protection;

~ No “backdoor” - the working principle of the system does not permit the creation of a functional backdoor;

~ The system configuration does not permit a successful (MiTM) hacker attack;

~ The service does not operate via DNS servers; o No metadata collection - all metadata is generated and stored only on users' computers and is never transmitted over the Internet;

~ Independent metadata management system allowing users to manage, protect and search within the stored information;

~ Fully protected personal communication channel based on our own technology;

~ Possibility for full recovery of a file even if the 98% of stored data has been lost;

~ Automatic recovery and replication of the information from unreliable storage nodes, preventing reliability of the stored information falling to a critical level where recovery is impossible;

~ Inherent scalability. The ecosystem is easily scalable, depending on the number of active storage nodes;

~ Non-susceptibility to a risk of massive rolling disconnections of storage nodes in countries and on entire continents, which may happen due to natural disasters, power outages, enforcement of bans by governments or other competent Ultra-Secure Digital Data Storage Service 52 authorities, due to the distribution of transformed data for the storage across all continents and throughout the world;

~ Full autonomy of the ecosystem: the SIZE algorithm performs the monitoring of storage nodes, the quality of individual nodes, their reputation and distribution of data - whereas all settlements with users and miners are administered via blockchain;

~ Ability to generate revenue from leasing unused memory on mobile or home devices;

~ Second life of memory, the possibility of using obsolete and no longer used devices; 

The further development strategy for the service is to attract private clients with medium to high income.



The SIZE algorithm was successfully tested on CamGrid network

at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in

the United Kingdom


Foundation of Equivalence AG


An ultra-secure file-sharing program based on SIZE technology

was introduced at "Hack in Paris" where the global hacker

community tried to crack the algorithm without success


The launch of a publicly available version of the BoobookBox

for business and private users

March 2018

Technology has been successfully tested in European

cybersecurity laboratories

April 2018

ICO for the global decentralized ultra-secure storage

service IDM


Launch of IDM service


Development of the cloud blockchain platform (SaaS)

based on SIZE data protection technology

2019 - 2020

Implementation of a marketing strategy for the promotion of

the IDM service and SIZE technology

2020 - 2022

Development of a decentralized and distributed cloud

platform (PaaS)


Initial Coin Offering

TOKEN DETAILNameIdeal Digital MemoryName of the token (ticker)IDM Token priceIdeal Digital MemoryPlatformEthereum (ERC-20) - burnableDivider (the number of digits after a comma)18Total number of emitted tokensMintable, at purchaseMinimum investment0.1 ETHEmissionOne-time onlyICO dateLaunch on May 15, 2018 Accepted PaymentETHDuration2 MonthMinimum investment0.1 ETHEmissionOne-time onlyToken pricePreliminary price 0.01 ETH. It may change

with ETH rateInvestment bonus10-50k$ + 3%, 50-100k$ +5%, 100k$+ +7%Soft Cap$ 3 000 000Hard Cap$ 27 000 000

Time bonusDay 1 - 14 20,00% Day 15 - 28 15,00% Day 29 - 42 10,00% Day 43+      5,00%

click here to JOIN WHITELIST





Inventor of the algorithm.

Cambridge, UK. Former

student of Zhores Alferov,

the Nobel Prize winner



Inventor of the algorithm.

Zug, Switzerland. Formerly a researcher at the

Lebedev Physical Institute

of the Soviet

Academy of Sciences




London, UK, Partner. Certified

patent attorney, the European

patent attorney and the

European attorney in the field of design at High Tech

and Electrical Group



A patent attorney at


London, UK



Chief Strategy Officer.

Zug, Switzenland.

Head of

Development Department "Equivalence" AG

Drs. Daan
CEO at EMG Group BV,
a consulting company.
The authorized supplier for
the United Nations. Expert sustainability



Senior Software Engineer,

University of Illinois at Chicago

Lead Technician University

of Texas Dallas, MS in

Computer Science,

Rochester Institute of

Technology, Microsoft

Certified Professional




IT Professional with 11 years’ Experience seeking

University of Texas Dallas –

Master of Arts Degree

Visual Design

Paul S.


Chief Executive Officer

William E. Simon Graduate

School of Business

Administration, Rochester,

NY MBA in Accounting

& Finance, University o

f Roshester, NY



Data scientist. University of Oxford

More Information 


Author: Panglima Tiangfeng

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1831059

ETH: 0x6Fe21F46EB5B9929Ee207F2B36165B59e384367a

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