I spy with my little eye...

I spy with my little eye...


Some sort of quick and neat blog posting platform.

Well, that's enough for a test post, how fun. I propose that we, The Group, now move forward in order to conclude & publish this test post.

All in disfavor, I urge that you temporarily close your eyes or otherwise avoid witnessing the (both equally) final and irrevocable actions that will conclude this test post with a publish action following nearly instantly.

That's Tuesday or Thursday for ya. Thanks!




P.S. it is in fact Wednesday and neither Tuesday nor Thursday like I thought.

. . .

P.P.S. I admit this is quite off-topic, but I am terribly irked when products, services, companies, organizations, governments, and even individuals now, automatically assume auto-capitalization of names. If given a choice, I prefer lowercase names. Actually, it only happens during account creation, or user setup, and my reaction could barely pass as an irk, much less a terrible one. Silly little point and it doesn't seem to matter.

Bye-Bye~ o/

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