i love you.

i love you.


10 reason why i love aiyii!

1. i love the way you make me feel. makes me feel anything, happiness, warmth, being loved.

2. i love your personality. You’re amazing, everything about you is always perfect for me not even less.

3. i love you for your patience, your honesty and most of all.

4. i love your sense of humor, i love the way you make me laugh.

5. i love you because you're really cute, superduper cute and i can't stand it!

6. i love how adorable you are, i know you have the brightest cutest smile.

7. i love you, you're sweet and smart, absolutely stunning, adorable.

8. i love your laugh, i love the fact that your laugh and that adorable sweet smile.

9. i love your generous nature towards the people around you, especially towards me.

10. i love you because you’re my favourites.you’re my favourites.

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